Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/313

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288 R.S-°1765. 5U.s.C.°70. Proviso . Maximum allow- ance . Attendance at meet- ings, etc. Censu s Bur eau . Services and ex- penses. Monog raphs . Tab ula tin g ma- chines . Services in the Die. trict . Tempo rary emplo y- ees . 5U.S.C.°°661-674. Att end an ce at meetings, etc . Socia l Security Act, salaries and expenses . 42 U. S. C., Supp . II,eh.7. Proviso. Furnishing evidence for establishing age, etc . Preparatory ex- penses, sixteenth cen- sus . 75T H CONG RESS, 1sT SESSIO N-CH . 359-J UNE 16, 1 937 within the limits of this appropriation, allowances for living quar- ters, heat, and light, notwithstanding the provisions of section 1765 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 5, sec . 70), $143,800 : Provided, That the maximum allowance to any officer shall not exceed $1,700 . The appropriation herein under title III for traveling expenses shall be available in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the promotion of foreign and domestic commerce, or either, and also expenses of illustrating the work of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce by showing of maps, charts, and graphs at such meetings, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce . BU REAU OF THE CE NSUS For expenses for securi ng information for a nd compiling the census reports provided for by law, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; compensation and expenses of enumerators, special agents, supervisors, supervisor's clerks, and interpreters in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; the cost of transcribing State, municipal, and other records ; temporary rental of quarters outside the District of Columbia ; not to exceed $2,500 for the employment by contract of personal services for the prepara- tion of monographs on census subjects ; not to exceed $54,000 for constructing tabulating machines and repairs to such machinery and other mechanical appliances, including technical, mechanical, and other personal services in connection therewith in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and the purchase of necessary machinery and supplies, $1,990,000 of which amount not to exceed $1,530,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, including not to exceed $120,000 for temporary em ployees who may be appointed by the Director of the Census under civil-service rules, at per-diem rates to be fixed by him without regard to the provi- sions of the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, for the purpose of assisting in periodical inquiries . The appropriation under title III herein for traveling expenses shall be available for the Census Bureau, in an amount not to exceed $500, for attendance at meetings concerned with the collection of statistics when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Comm erce . Salaries and expenses, Social Security Act : For salaries and neces- sary expenses for searching census records and supplying information inc ident to carr ying out the provi sion s of the Soci al S ecuri ty A ct, approved August 14, 1935 (U . S . C ., Supp . I, title 42, ch . 7), includ- ing personal services in the District of Columbia ; binding records ; supplies ; services ; repair to, and replacement parts for, office and mechanical equipment for the reproduction of census records, $25,000 : Provided, That the procedure hereunder for the furnishing from census records of evidence for the establishment of age of indi- viduals shall be pursuant to regulations approved jointly by the Secretary of Commerce and the Social Security Board . Expenses of the sixteenth census : For expenses preparatory to the taking of the sixteenth decennial census, including temporary employees who may be appointed by the Director of the Census under the civil-service rules for any period not to exceed June 30, 1942, at per-diem rates to be fixed by the Director of the Census without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; materials, supp lies, equip ment, serv ices, and t abula tion cards ; $50, 000, of wh ich amount not to exceed $35,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . 4.