Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/344

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7;;TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CBS. 382, 383- -JUNE 24 , 28 , 1937 319 SEC. 204. The Railroad Retirement Act of 1935 shall continue in· Rights under for· • nlr-Act. force and effect wIth respect to the rights of individuals granted annuities prior to the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 205. The enactment of this Act shall have no effect on the status, tenure of office, or comJ,>ensation of the present members, offi- cers, and employees of the RaIlroad Retirement Board; except that individuals who have had experience in railroad service shall be retained in the employ of the Board, whether or not qualified under the civil service laws and rules, if in the judgment of the Board they possess the qualifications necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of the positions which they are holding. Approved, June 24, 1937. (CHAPTER 383) AN ACT To establish a Civilian Conservation Corps, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative8 of tILe United States of America in Congre88 as8embled, That there is hereby established the Civilian Conservation Corps, hereinafter called the Corps, for the purpose of providing em"iJloyment, as well as vocational training, for youthful citizens of the United States who are unemployed and in need of employment, and to a limited extent as hereinafter set out, for war veterans and Indians, through the performance of useful public work in connection with the con- servation and development of the natural resources of the United States, its Territories, and insular possessions: Provided, That at least ten hours each week may be devoted to general educational and vocational training: Provided, That the provIsions of this Act shall continue for the period of three years after July 1, 1937, and no longer. SEC. 2 . The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Sell ate, is authorized to appoint a Director at a salary of $10,000 per annum. The Director shall have complete and final authority in the functioning of the Corps, including the allotment of funds to coop- erating Federal departments and agencies, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the President in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 3. In order to carry out the purpose of this Act the Director is authorized to provide 'for the employment of the Corps and its facilities 011 works of public interest or utility for the protection, r('storation, regeneration, improvement, development, utilization} maintenance, or enjoyment of the natural resources of lands anet waters, and the products thereof, including forests, fish and wildlife on lands or interest in lands (including historical or archeological sites), belongmg to, or under the jurisdiction or control of, the United ~tlltes, its Territories, and insular possessions." and the several States: Prm'ided, That the President may, in his (Iiscretion, authorize the Director to undertake projects on lands belonging to or under the jurisdiction or control of counties, and municipalities, and on lands m private ownership, but only for the purpose of doing thereon such kinds of cooperative work as are or may be provided for by Acts of Congress, including the prevention and control of forest fires 7 forest tree pests and diseases, soil eroBion, and floods: Provided urther, That no projects shall be undertaken on lands or interests in lands, other than those belonging to or under the jurisdiction or control of the United States1 unless adequate provisions are made by' the coop- erating agencies tor the maintenance, operation, and utilization of such projects after completion. Railroad Retire· ment Board, person· nelor. June 28, 1937 Ill. R . 6551] IPublic, No. 163] Civilian COlll!erva· lion Corps. Establishment, pur· pose, etc. Pr..i801 . Edu<'lllional and vo- cational traininJr. })uratioD of Act. Director; appoint· me-ot. salary, aUe thority. F.mployment of CIIT(lS in prntf'('tion. etc., or nu,lurul rea sources. Prori&o~. (' oo, .. nltinn with muni<'i rtalities, etc.; re-- striction.

M8iDtenance, etc. •

after com,.letioD.