Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/351

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326 "Perso n ." "Territorial waters of the United States ." "Territorial waters of Canada." 'Convention wa- ters. ' "Halibut ." "Vessel ." Unlawful acts . Person other than national, etc ., catch- ing halibut in U.S. territorial waters . Use of vessel of non- signatory nation . Ca tches in viol ation of Convention or Act . Catches, etc ., by na- tional, etc ., in viola- tion of Convention or Act . Outfitting vessels, etc. Unlawful posses- sion, etc . Departure in vessel which departs in vio- lation of Convention, etc . Halibut caught in- cidentally to fishing for other species . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 392-JUNE 28, 1937 (c) Person : The word "person" includes partnerships, associa- tions, and corporations . (d) Territorial waters of the United States : The term "Territorial waters of the United States" means the Territorial waters contiguous to the western coast of the United States and the territorial waters contiguous to the southern and western coasts of Alaska . (e) Territorial waters of Canada : The term "territorial waters of Canada" means the territorial waters contiguous to the western coast of Canada . (f) Convention waters : The term "Convention waters" means the territorial waters of the United States, the territorial waters of Can- ada, and the high seas of the Northern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea, extending westerly from the limits of the territorial waters of the United States and of Canada . (g) Ha libut : The wo rd "ha libut" mean s the specie s of Hippo- glossus inhabi ting Conventi on waters . (h) Vessel : The word "vessel" includes every description of water craft or other contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation in water . SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for- (a) any person other than a national or inhabitant of the United States to catch or attempt to catch any halibut in the territorial waters of the United States ; (b) any person to transfer to or to receive upon any vessel of the United States, or to bring to any place within the jurisdiction of the United States any halibut caught in Convention waters by the use of any vessel of a nation not a party to the Convention, or caught in Convention waters by any national or inhabitant of the United States or Canada in violation of the Convention or of this Act ; (c) any national or inhabitant of the United States to catch, attempt to catch, or to possess any halibut in the territorial waters of the United States or in Convention waters in violation of any provision of the Convention or of this Act ; (d) any person within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States to furnish, prepare, outfit, or provision any vessel, other than a vessel of the United States or Canada, in connection with any voy- age during which such vessel is intended to be, is being, or has been empl oyed in catc hing , at temp ting to catc h, o r po sses sing any hal ibut in Convention waters or the territorial waters of the United States or Canada ; (e) any person within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States to furnish, prepare, outfit, or provision any vessel of the United States or Canada in connection with any voyage during which such vessel is intended to be, is being, or has been employed in catching, attempting to catch, or possessing any halibut in violation of any provision of the Convention or of this Act ; (f) any person within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States or any national or inhabitant of the United States within Convention wat ers knowingly to have or h ave had in his possession any halibut taken, transferred, received, or brought in in violation of any provision of the Convention or of this Act ; (g) any person to depart from any place within the jurisdiction of the United States in any vessel which departs from such place in violation of the Convention or of this Act ; (h) any person in the territorial waters of the United States or any national or inhabitant of the United States in Convention waters to catch or attempt to catch any halibut, or to possess any halibut caught incidentally to fishing for other species of fish by the use of or in any vessel required by the Convention to have on board any