Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/4

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Pa ge Henry Fo rd and wife, donation. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to accept title for the Un ited Sta tes to cert ain real property to be donated by Mr. Henry Ford and wife for Veterans' Administration facility purposes Mar ch 24,1937__

54 Greater Texa s and Pan American Expo sition, free entry of e xhibits . JOINT RESOLUTION To permit articles imported from foreign countries for the purpose of exhibition at the Greater Texas and Pan-American Exposition, Da lla s, Texas, to be admitted without payment of tariff, and for other purposes_-- March 27, 1937

55 Communications Act of 1934, Amendments . AN ACT To a mend sec- tion 318 of the Communications Act of 1934 March 29, 1937 _ _

56 Ala meda, Calif., naval air st ation . JO INT RE SOL UTI ON To amend Public Law Numbered 78 0, Seventy-fourth Congress, to authorize the acquisition of lands in the ci ty of Alameda, county of Alameda, State of California, as a site for a naval air sta tion an d to au thorize the c onstruc tion an d insta llation of a naval air station thereon, for the purpose of making a correction therein Mar ch 29,1937 56 Inauguration day, 1937, D. C., pay of certain employees . J OINT RESOLUTION For the payment of certain employees of the United States Government in the District of Columbia and em- ployees of the District of C olum bia for Jan uary 20, 1937---- March 29, 1937---

56 U. S. Maritime Commi ssion . JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring Jos eph P . Kennedy eligible for appointment as a member of the United States Maritime Commission March 30, 1937 ___

57 Merchant Marine Act of 1936, a mendment . AN ACT To amen d section 704 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (49 U . S. Stat. L .2008-2009) April 1, 1937 57 Insect pest and plant disease control . JOIN T RES OLUTI ON Ma king funds available for the control of incipient or emergency out- breaks of insect pests or plant diseases, including grasshoppers, Mormo n crickets, and chinch b ugs April 6, 1037 57 Greater Texas and Pan American Exp osi tion . JOINT RESOLUTION P rovi ding for th e pa rtic ipa tion by the Uni ted States in the Great er Texas and Pan America n Exposition to be held in the State of Texas during theyear 1937 April 9,1937 58 Fishing industry products . JO INT R ESOLU TION To ma ke fu nds available to carry out the provisions of existing law authorizing the purchase and distribution of products of the fishing industry- April 12, 1937 61 Great Lakes Exposition, 1937 . JOINT RES OL UTI ON Providing for a continuance of the participation of the United States in the Great Lakes Exposition in the State of Ohio in 1937, and for other purposes April 12, 1937_

61 Cotton standards, etc ., classification . AN ACT Authorizing the Secre- tary of Agriculture to provide for the classification of cotton, to furnish information on market sup pl y, demand, location, condition, and market prices for cotton, and for other purposes_ April 13, 1937 62 Pulaski's Memorial Day . JOI NT R ESO LUT ION Aut hor izi ng the President of the United States of America to proclaim October 11 , 1937, General Pulaski 's Memorial Day for the observance and commemoration of the de ath of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski April 13, 1937 62 Bowling alleys, D . C., Sunday closing hours . JOINT RESOLUTION To amend section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act making appro- priations to provide for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and for other purposes", approved July 1, 1902, as amended April 14, 1937_

63 Navy, commissary p rivileges . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An c Act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending Ju ne thirtieth, nineteen hundred and te n, and for other purposes", approved March 3, 1909, to extend commissars- privileges to widows of officers and enlisted men of the Navy, ommissars = and Coast Guard and al so to officers of the Foreign Service of the United States at foreign stations April 14, 1937 63 Arms and ammunition, protecting public property, et c. AN ACT To amend that provision of the Act approved March 3, 1 879 (20 Stat . L. 412), relating to issue of arms and ammunition for the pr otection of public mone y and property_-_ y April 14, 1937 63 Ninth judicial circuit, additional judges . AN ACT To provide for the appointment of two additional circuit judges for the ninth judicial circui t April 14, 1937 64