Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/410

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75i CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 MILITIA For the following, to be expended under the authority and direc- tion of the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and emp owere d to m ake n ecess ary co ntrac ts and leas es, n amely For personal services, $21,500 ; temporary labor, $5,800 ; for ex- penses of camps, including hire of horses for officers required to be mounted, and for the payment of commutation of subsistence for enlisted men who may be detailed to guard or move the United States property at home stations on days immediately preceding and immediately following the annual encampments ; damages to pri- vate property incident to encampment ; reimbursement to the United States for loss of property for which the District of Columbia may be held responsible ; cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipment ; instruction, purchase, and maintenance of athletic, gym- nastic, and recreational equipment at armory or field encampments, not to exceed $500 ; practice marches, drills, and parades ; rent of armories, drill halls, and storehouses ; fuel, light, heat, care, and repair of armories, offices, and storehouses ; machinery and dock, including dredging alongside of dock ; construction of buildings for storage and other purposes at target range ; telephone service ; print- ing, stationery, and postage ; horses and mules for mounted organ- izations ; maintenance and operation of passenger and non-passenger- carrying motor vehicles ; street-car fares (not to exceed $200) neces- sarily used in the transaction of official business ; not exceeding $400 for traveling expenses, including attendance at meetings or conven- tions of associations pertaining to the National Guard ; and for gen- eral incidental expenses of the service, $15,480 ; in all, $42,780 . ANACOSTIA RI VER AND FLATS For continuing the reclamation and development of Anacostia Park, in accordance with the revised plan as set forth in Senate D ocumen t Num bered 37, S ixty- eighth Cong ress, first sess ion, $ 50,00 0 . NAT IONAL C APITAL PARKS SAL ARI ES, PUBLIC PAR KS, DI STR ICT OF CO LUM BIA For pe rsonal serv ices, $351, 910 . GENERAL EXPENSES, PUBLIC PARKS S g General expenses : For general expenses in connection with the maintenance, care, improvement, furnishing of heat, light, and power of public parks, gr ounds, fountains and reservations, propagating a rdens and g reenh ouses under the jurisd ictio n of the Na tiona l Park ervice, including the tourists' camp on its present site in East Potomac Park, and including personal services of seasonal or inter- mittent employees a t per-diem rates of pay approved by the Direc- tor, not exceeding current rates of pay for similar employment in the District of Col umbia ; placing and ma intaining portions of the parks in condition for outdoor sports and for expenses incident to the conducting of band concerts in the parks ; the hire of draft an imals with or witho ut drivers at local rates app roved by the Dir ec to r ; the purchase and maintenance of draft animals, harness, and wagons ; contingent expenses ; city directories ; communication service ; carfare ; traveling expenses ; professional, scientific, tech- nical, and law books ; periodicals and reference books, blank books and forms ; photographs ; dictionaries and maps ; leather and rubber articles for the protection of employees and property ; the main- 125151§-37 25 Militia . Expenses author- zed, under command . ing general . Pe rsonal se rvices . E xpen ses of cam ps, etc . 385 Anacostia Park . Continuing devel- opment . National Capital Parks . Personal services . Public p arks. Maintenance and general expenses .