Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/509

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484 Payment of substi- tutes. 48 Stat . 1235. 31U.S.C.°725(t). "Original check" defined . Short title. Effective date . July 8, 1937 [H. R . 72061 [Public, No . 1931 Gi rl Guides and Gi rl Scouts Silver Jubilee Camp, 1937 . Temporary entry of ali en p arti cipa nts, etc . Exemption from tax, etc. 39 Stat.875. 8U.S.C.°132. Visa, etc ., fees waived . Passports . Provisos . Identification re- qui red . Com pliance wit h presc ribed reg ula- tions. Obtaining of visas by aliens . 75T]Er CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 444, 445-JULY 8 , 1937 issuance of a substitute check or warrant upon such an affidavit as he may prescribe, to be made before any postmaster by the payee or owner of an original check . "(e) Sub stitu tes, mark ed as her einab ove p rovi ded, drawn on t he Treasurer of the United States, shall, after the lapse of the period fixed by section 21 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 (48 Stat. 1235 ; U. S. C ., 1934 edition., title 31, sec . 725 (t) ), for the payment of the original checks, be payable only as the orig- inal checks would be payable thereunder . "(f) The term o rigina l chec k' whe rever used in this sectio n mean s any check, warrant, or other order for the payment of money, pay- able upon demand and not bearing interest, drawn by a duly author- ized officer or agent of the United States on its behalf against an account or funds of the United States, whether upon a bank or upon the Treasurer or other paying officer of the United States, but does not include money, coins, or currency of the United States nor instru- ments issued by any corporation or other entity owned or controlled by the Un ited S tates, wheth er in whole or in p art, a gainst such cor- poration's or entity's own funds ; as used in subsection (d) of this section it means such an instrument drawn by a duly authorized officer or employee of the Post Office Department ." SEC . 10. This Act may be cited as the "Government Losses in Ship ment Act" . SEC . 11 . This Act shall become effective on July 1, 1937 . Approved, July 8, 1937 . [CHAPTER 445] AN ACT To permit the temporary entry into the United States under certain conditions of alien participants and officials of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Silver Jubilee Camp to be held in the United States in 1937. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unite d Sta tes o f A meric a in Cong ress assem bled, That alien Girl Guides and Girl Scouts participants, officials, and executives who are accredited members of delegations to the Silver Jubilee Camp to be held in the United States in 1937, all of whom are nonimmi- grants, if otherwise admissible into the United States under the immigration laws, shall be exempted from payment of the tax of $8 prescribed by section 2 of the Immigration Act of 1917 and exempted from the fees prescribed by law to be collected in connec- tion with executing an application for a visa and visaing the pass- port or other travel document of an alien for the purpose of entering the United States as a nonimmigrant, and such aliens shall not be required to present official passports issued by the governments to which they owe allegiance : Provided, That aliens shall be in posses- si on of off icial Gir l Guide o r Girl Sc out iden tity card s issued by their own governments or issued by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts indicating their Girl Guide or Girl Scout status and nationality, and duly visaed without charge by American con- sular officers abroad : And provided further, That such aliens shall comply with regulations not inconsistent with the foregoing pro- visions which shall be prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and Secretary of State : Provi ded, howev er, That nothing herein shall relieve an alien from being required to obtain a gratis nonimmigra- tion visa if coming to the United States as a nonimmigrant, or an immigration visa if coming to the United States as an immigrant .