Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/514

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7 5TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH. 4 73- JULY 9, 193 7 posed of the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Sec retary of Comm erce, t he Secr etary o f Labor , three Member s of the House to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and three Members of the Senate to be appointed by the President of the Senate ; which Commission shall serve without additio nal com pensati on and shall r epresen t the U nited S tates i n connection with the h olding of a world's fair and c elebration in the city of San Francisco during the year 1939 . SEC. 2. Ther e shall be a United States Com missioner for the Go lden Gate International Exposition, who shall be appointed by the Presi- dent, and who shall receive compensation at the rate of $10,000 per annum, and one Assistant Commissioner for said Golden Gate Inter- national Exposition, who shall be appointed by the Commissioner wi th the advice and ap proval of the Commiss ion her ein des ignated and shall receive compensation not to exceed $7,500 per annum . The sala ry and exp enses of t he Commiss ioner, the Assistant Commissio ner and such staff as the Commission may require, shall be paid out of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this joint resolution, for such period prior to the opening of the Golden Gate International Exposition as the Commission may determine, for the duration of the Golden Gate International Exposition, and for not more than six months after the official closing thereof . SEC . 3. Th e Commi ssion s hall pr escribe the du ties of the Un ited Sta tes Co mmissio ner and shall delegat e such powers and fun ctions to him as it shall deem advisable, in order that there may be exhibited at the Go lden Ga te Inte rnation al Expo sition by the Governm ent of the United States, its executive departments, independent offices, and esta blishments , such art icles and materials and docume nts and pa pers as may relate to the growth and development of civilization on the American continents and such as illustrate the function and admin- istrative faculty of the Government in the advancement of industry, science, invention, agriculture, the arts, and peace, and demonstrating the historic growth and nature of American institutions, particularly as regards their adaptation to the needs of the people . SEC. 4 . In ca rrying out the purpo ses of thi s joint re solution, t he Commission is authorized- (a) To appoint, without regard to the civil-service laws and regu- lations and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, such clerks, stenographers, and other assistants, and to engage by contract or other wise such other serv ices as may be necess ary in con nection wi th the performance of the functions of the Commission, including the preparation of exhibits plans : Provided, however, That for similar services, the pay shall not be in excess of that provided by th e C l a s si - fication Act of 1923, as amended . (b) To erect, on land owned by the city and county of San Fran- cisco, such building or buildings, or other structures, and to provide for the landscaping of the site or sites thereof : Provided, That in the construction of buildings and exhibits requiring skilled and unskilled labor, the prevai ling rate of wages, as provide d in the A ct of March 3, 1931 (46 Stat . 1494), shall be paid ; to rent such space in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, without regard to section 322 of the Act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat . 412), as the Commission may deem necessary ; and to provide for the decoration and maintenance of buildings, structures, sites, and grounds during the period deemed necessary by the Commission . (c) To use funds appropriated under authority of the joint reso- lution to pay salari es of employe es of o ther Go vernmen t agenc ies detailed or loaned for duty with the Commission at rates not in excess of the rates received in the agency from which detailed or 489 Unit ed Stat es Com- missioner . Appointment, sala ry, etc . Assistant Commis- sioner . F unds for expenses . Duties and powers of Commissioner . Exhibits of execu- tive departments, etc . Po wers of Commis- sion enumerated . A ppoi ntm ent ofp er- sonnel . 5 U.S. C. °° 661-674. Contract services . Proviso . Limitation . Building construc- tion, landscaping, etc . Proviso . Prevailing rate of wages to be paid . 46 Stat. 1494. 40U.S.C.°276a. Rent . 47 Stat . 412, 1517 . 40U .S.C .°40a . Decoration, main . tena nce, etc . Salar ies of de tailed employees ; limitation .