Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/564

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75TH CO NGR ESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 530-JULY 28, 1937 Jar and railroad bridge with suitable highway approaches thereto and draw-sp an therein ; h olding the same in hig h trust for the benefi t of the nation and of the said two states . ARTICL E II There is hereby created "The Maine-New Hampshire Interstate Bridge Authority" which shall be a body corporate a nd po litic having the powers and jurisdiction hereinafter enumerated and such other and additional powers as shall be conferred upon it by the l egislature o f either st ate concurr ed in by th e legislatu re of the o ther state or by act or acts of Congress as hereinafter provided . ARTICLE III The Authority shall consist of six members, three residents of the state of New Hampshire and thr ee residents of the state of Maine . The New Hampshire members to be chosen by the state of New Hampshire and the Maine members to be chosen by the state of Maine in the manner and for the term fixed and determined from time to time by the legislatures of either state respectively . Any member may be removed or suspe nded from office as provided by the law of the state from which he shall be appointed . AR TICLE IV The members of the Authority shall, for the purpose of doing business, constitute a board and may adopt suitable rules and regula- tions for its management . A RTI CLE The Authority shall constitute a body both corporate and politic with full power and authority (1) to sue and be sued ; (2) to have a seal and alter the same at pleasure ; (3) to adopt from time to time and amend by-laws covering its procedure, rules and regulations gov- erning use of the bridge and any of the other services made available in connection with said bridge, to publish the same, if such publica- tion is necessary or advisable and to cause records of its proceedings to be kept ; (4) to construct, maintain, reconstruct and operate an interstate toll bridge over the Piscataqua river between the cit of Portsmouth in New Hampshire and the town of Kittery in Maine and for this purpose ; (5) to acquire, hold and dispose of personal property for its purposes ; (6) to acquire in the name of the Authority by purchase, condemnation, lease or otherwise, any real property and rig hts or ease ments there in, d eemed by it nece ssary or de sirabl e for its purposes, and to use such property ; (7) to acquire any such real property by the exercise of the power of condemnation in the manner (p rovided by laws and statutes of the said two states or otherwise ; 8) to charge and collect fees, fares and tolls for the use of said bridge and other services made available in connection with the said bridge ; (9) to make contracts with the United States, the state of New Hampshire, the state of Maine, public corporations or bodies exi sting ther ein, a nd pr ivate corpo ratio ns and indi vidua ls ; (10) to accept grants and the cooperation of the United States or any agency the reof in th e cons truct ion, mainte nance , reco nstru ction , opera tion and financing of the bridge and its highway approaches and to do any and all things necessary in order to avail itself of such aid and cooperation ; (11) to employ such assistants, agents and servants as it shall deem necessary or desirable for its purposes ; (12) to exercise any of its powers in the public domain of the United States unless the exercise of such powers is not permitted by the laws of the United 539