Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/6

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V11 Da te Flood Control Act of 1936, ame ndment . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood control, and for other purposes", approved June 22, 1936 April 27,1937 Springfield Armory, Mass ., r ight-of-way . AN ACT To aut hor ize the Secretary of War to release a certain right-of-way no longer nee ded for military purposes at the Spr ing fie ld Arm ory , Massachusetts April 2 7, 1937 Central Heating Plant, D . C ., service extension . ANACT To au thorize the furnishing of steam from the Central Heating Plant to the District of Columbia April 27, 1937 Appropr iations , Navy Department, etc ., fiscal year 1938 . AN ACT Making appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938, and for other purposes April 27,1937 Postage rates, bills, etc ., produced by mechanical p rocess . AN ACT Relative to the classification of bills or statements of account produced by photostatic or mechanical process April 27, 1937 Florida Southern Judicial District . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act providing for the establishment of a term of the District Court of the United States for the Southern Di s- trict of Florida, at Orlando, Florida", approved June 15, 1933- _ April 27, 1937 Simplification of a ccounting . AN ACT To simplify accounting April 27, 1937 District of Columbia, prevention of blindness in infants . AN ACT To provide for the prevention of blindness in infants born in the District of Columbia April 27, 1937 _ Insect pest and plant disease control, appropriation . JOINT RESO- LUTION Making an app ropriat ion for the co ntrol o f outbr eaks of insect pests April 27, 1937 Neutrality Act of 1935, amendments . JOI NT RES OLU TIO N To amend the joi nt reso lution entitle d "Joi nt reso lution providi ng for the prohibition of the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war to belligerent countries

the prohibition of

the transportation of arms, ammunition, and implements of war by vessels of the United States for the use of belligerent states ; for the registration and licensing of persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, exporting, or importing arms, ammunition, or implements of war ; and restricting travel by American citizens on belligerent ships during war", approved Aug ust 31, 1935, as amended May 1, 1937 Fort Niagara, A' . Y., r econstruction . AN ACT To authorize an appro- priation for reconstruction at Fort Niagara, New York, to replace loss by fire May 6,1937 Great Britain, p ayment. AN ACT Authorizing an appropriation for payment to the Government of Great Britain for the account of N. J . Moosa, a British subject May 6, 1937 Netherlands, p ayment . A N ACT Authorizing an appropriation for payment to the Government of the Netherlands for the account of the family of Mig uel Paula May 6, 1937 France, payment. AN ACT Authorizing an appropriation for pay- ment to the French Government for the account of Henry Borday, a citizen of France May 6, 1937 Great Britain, p ayment . AN ACT Authorizing an appropriation for payment to the Government of Great Britain for the account of the Shangh ai Elec tric Co nstruct ion Com pany, L imited Ma y 6, 1937 Canada, payment . AN ACT Authorizing an appropriation for pay- ment to the Government of Canada for the account of Janet Hardcastle Ross, a citizen of Canada May 6, 1937 Chi le, p ayment . AN ACT Authorizing an appropriation for payment to the Government of Chile for the account of Enriqueta Koch v . de Jeanneret, a citizen of Chile May 6, 1937 China, payment . AN ACT Aut hor izi ng an appropriation for pay me nt to the Government of China for the account of Li Po-tien May 6, 1937 China, payment . AN ACT Aut hor izi ng an appropriation for pay me nt to the Govern ment of China for the account of cert ain Ch ine se cit ize ns May 6,1937 Mexico, p ayment . A N ACT Aut horizing an app ropriat ion for the payment of the claim of General Higinio Alvarez, a Mexican citizen, wi th respect to lands on the Farmers Banco in the State of Arizona May 6,1937 China, p ayment . AN ACT Aut hor izi ng an app rop ria tio n for pa y- me nt to the Government of China for the account of certain citizens of China May 6, 1937 Page 95 95 95 96 119 119 119 120 120 121 128 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 131 131