Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/600

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75Ta CONGRESS, IST SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 193 7 animals, machinery, tools, implements, and other equipment neces- sary, and for advances to Indians ha ving irrigabl e allotments to assist them in the development and cultivation thereof, in the discre- tion of the Secretary of the Interior, to enable Indians to become self-supporting : Provided, That the expenditures for the purposes above set forth shall be under conditions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior for repayment to the United States on or before June 30, 1943, except in the case of loans on irrigable lands for perm anent improv ement of said lands, in wh ich the peri od for repaym ent may run f or not exceed ing twenty y ears, in the discre- tion of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That except for the Navajo Indians in Arizona and New Mexico not to exceed $25,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be expended on any one reservation or for the benefit of any one tribe of Indians : Pro- vid ed fur ther, Th at th e Secr etary of th e Inte rior is her eby a uthori zed, in his d iscretion an d under such rules and reg ulations as he may prescribe, to make advances from this appropriation to old, disabled, or indigent Indian allottees, for their support, to remain a charge and lien against their land until paid : Provided further, That not to exceed $15,000 may be advanced to worthy Indian youths to enable them to take educational courses, including courses in nursing, home economics, forestry, and other industrial subjects in colleges, uni- versities, or other institutions, and advances so made shall be reim- bursed in not to exceed eight years, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe : Provided further, That not to exceed $50,000 may be advanced to the Navajo Tribe of Indians for the purchase, feeding, sale, or other disposition of sheep, goats, and other livestock belonging to the Navajo Indians . Industrial assistance (tribal funds) : For the construction of homes for individual members of the tribes ; the purchase for sale to them of seed, animals, machinery, tools, implements, building material, and other equipment and supplies ; and for advances to old, disabled, or indigent Indians for their support and burial, and Indians having irrigable allotments to assist them in the development and cultivation thereof, to be immediately available, $66,600 . payable from tribal funds as follows : Seminole, Florida, $6,000 ; Fort Totten (Devils Lake), North Dakota, $600 ; Rosebud, South Dakota, $10,000 ; Shoshone, Wyoming, $50,000 ; and the unexpended balances of funds available under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1937, and the Act of June 27, 1932 (47 Stat ., p . 335), are hereby continued available during the fiscal year 1938 : Provided , That the expe nditures for the purposes above set fo rth shall be under conditions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior for repayment to the United States on or before June 30, 1943, except in the case of loans on irrigable lands for permanent improvement of said lands in which the period for repayment may run for not exceeding twenty years, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and advances to old, disabled, or indigent Indians for their support and burial, which shall remain a charge and lien against their land until paid : Provided further, That advances may be made to worthy Indian youths to enable them to take educational courses, including courses in nursing, home economics, forestry, and other industrial subjects in colleges, universities, or other institutions and advances so made shall be reimbursed in not to exceed eight years under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe : Provided further, That all moneys reimbursed during the fisca l yea r 1938 shal l be c redit ed to the re spect ive ap propr iation s and be available for the purposes of this paragraph : Provided fur- ther, That funds available under this paragraph may be used for the establishment and operation of tribal enterprises when proposed 575 Provisos . Conditions for re- paymen t . Loans on irrigahle lands. Limitation ; excep- tion . Advances to old, etc ., allottees . Advances to young students; repayment . Pur cha se, dispos i- tion of sheep and other livestock . Industrial

assist- ance . Constructing homes, purchase of seed, equipment, etc . Advances to old, etc ., allottees . 49Stat .176 ; 47 Star. 335 . Provi sos . Condit ions fo r re- paym ent . Loans on irri gahle lands . Advanc es to y oung students. Reimbursement . Credit s and a vail- ability. Tribal enterprises.