Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/630

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION--CH. 570-AUGUST 9, 1937 Hawaii National Park : For administration, protection, and mainte- nance, including not exceeding $1,600 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $50,100 . Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas : For administration, pro- tection, maintenance, and improvement, including not exceeding $1,450 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor- driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $72 ,50 0. La ssen Volca nic N ation al Pa rk, C alifo rnia : Fo r admi nistra tion, pro tectio n, and maint enance , incl uding not ex ceedin g $1,4 50 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, ancc repair of motor-driven pas- senger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and em- ployees in connection with general park work, and including not to exceed $1,000 for the maintenance of approach roads through the Lassen National Forest, $35,000 . Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado : For administration, protec- tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $750 for the purchase, main tenanc e, ope ration , and repair of mo tor-dr iven p asseng er-car ry- ing Vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $55,540 : Provided, That the un- expended balance of the appropriation of $10,000 contained in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936, for improve- ment of the water system, is continued available for the same pur- poses for the fiscal year 1938 . Mount McK inley National Park, Alaska : F or a dmini strat ion, prot ection , and mainte nance, inclu ding n ot exc eeding $1,00 0 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven pas- senger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $29,000 . Mo unt R aini er N atio nal Park, Was hing ton . Fo r admi nistra tion, protection, maintenance, and improvement, including not exceeding $1,450 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor- driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, and including not exceeding $6,000 for the construction of a utility building, in all, $141,480 . Platt National Park, Oklahoma : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $300 for the purchase, main tenanc e, ope ration , and repair of mo tor-dr iven p asseng er-car ry- ing vehicles for the use of the su erintendent and employees in con- nection with general park work, 20,600 . Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,100 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven pas- senger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $82,000 . Sequoia National Park, California : For administration, protec- tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,650 for the pur- chase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger- carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work and including maintenance and repair of the Generals Highway between the boundaries of Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, $104,100 . She nand oah Nati onal Park , Vi rgin ia : For admin istra tion, pro- tection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,650 for the pur- chase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger- 605 Hawaii . Hot Springs, Ark . Lassen, Calif . Mesa Verde, Colo . Proriso. Water system, im . provement. 49 Stat.1622. Mount McKinley, Alaska . Mount Rainier, Wash . Platt, Okla. Rocky Mountain, Col o. Sequoia, Calif . Shenandoah, Va .