Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/662

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75Tu CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CIlS . 60 9, 618-AUGUST 12, 14, 1937 637 including the names, addresses, occupations, hours, and wages of the women and minors in their employ ; to permit the inspection and transcript of such records by the State administrative agency and its authorized representatives ; and upon request, to furnish said agency with a sworn statement of the same . Employers shall further order s. wwage be requ ired to post and maint ain the notic es r egard ing wage orde rs issued by the State administrative agency . SEC. 7. Each minimum-wage law so enacted shall contain provi- Appeals on que s- sions for appeal to the courts on questions of law by persons ti"' of law . aggrieved by the decisions of said agency . Said law shall also contain a provision to the effect that in no case shall wage orders or decrees entered under a previously existing law be nullified until the provisions of the law enacted in conformity herewith have become operative and until new wage orders covering the same occupations have been entered and made effective . SEC . 8 . Each minimum-wage law enacted in conformity herewith Laws to contain a shall contain a saving clause to the effect that if any provisions of s aving clau se . such law or its application be held invalid, the remainder of the law and its application elsewhere shall not be affected thereby . SEC . 9 . Mandatory fair-wage legislation now in effect in any of Prevailing manda- tory fair-wage legisla . the signatory States, and such legislation in course of passage in Lion, etc . any of such States as is in conformity with the provisions of this compact, is hereby declared to meet the minimum standards required by this compact . SEC . 10. This compact as applied to minimum wage shall, when Effective date . ratified by two or more States in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of title II, be in full force and effect in the States so ratify- ing the same . In witness whereof the commissioners of the States of Connec- ticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and of the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have signed this compact in a single original which shall be deposited in the archives of the Department of State of the United States of America at Washington, District of Columbia, and of which a duly certified copy shall be forwarded to the Governor of each of the signatory States. Done at Concord, New Hampshire, this twenty-ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four . (Signed by members of commissions and by delegates of the States of Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania .) Approved, August 12, 1937 . [CH APTER 6181 AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept from the State of Utah title to a certain State-owned section of land and to patent other land to the State in lieu thereof, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Un ited Stat es of Am erica in Congress assemble d, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the United States a deed of reconveyance from the State of Utah of all of sec- tion 2, township 12 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian Utah, when accompanied by evidence showing unencumbered title in said State, and in exchange therefor the Secretary of the Interior is hereby further authorized to patent to the State of Utah other vacant, unappropriated, and unreserved public land, whether min- eral or nonmineral in character, of approximately equal value, to be Au gust 14, 1 937 _ [S . 1129] [Public, No . 278] r Utah . Exchange of land with, auth orize d .