Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/774

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75TI1 CONGRES S, 1ST SESSION-C HS . 7 4 6-748-AUGUST 24, 1937 j it, s aid judge may, in his discr etion, a lso order a venire to issue for a third grand jury . The district court may ir. term order a grand ury to be summoned at such time, and to serve such time as it ma direct, whenever, in its judgment, it may be proper to do so . district judge may, upon request of the district attorney or of the grand jury or on his own motion, by order authorize any grand jury to continue to sit during the term succeeding the term at which such reque st is mad e, solely to finis h invest igations begun but not fini shed by such grand jury, but no grand jury shall be permitted to sit in all during more than three terms . Nothing herein shall operate to extend beyond the time permitted by law the imprisonment before indictment found of a person accused of crime or offense, or the time during which a person so accused may be held under recognizance before indictment found ." Approved, August 24, 1937 . [CHAPTER 7471 AN ACT To amend the hank-robbery statute to include burglary and larceny . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (a) of section 2 of the Act of May 18, 1934 (48 Stat.783; U.S. C., title 12, sec . 588b), be and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows "(a) Whoever, by force and violence, or by putting in fear, feloni- ously takes, or feloniously attempts to take, from the person or pres- ence of anothe r any property or mo ney or any other thi ng of valu e belo nging to, or in th e care , custo dy, co ntrol, manag ement, or possession of, any bank ; or whoever shall enter or attempt to enter any bank, or any building used in whole or in part as a bank, with intent to commit in such bank or building, or part thereof, so used, any felony or larceny, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both ; or whoever shall take and carry away, with intent to steal or purloin, any property or money or any other thing of value exceeding $50 belonging to, or in the care, custody, control, management, or possession of any bank, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both ; or whoever shall take and carry away, with intent to steal or purloin, any property or money or any other thing of value not exce eding $50 belongin g to, or in the c are, cust ody, cont rol, management, or possession of any bank, shall be fined not more than $1 .000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both ." Approved, August 24, 1937 . [CHAPTER 7481 JO INT RE SOLU TIO N Authorizi ng an appr opriation for the ex penses of participat ion by the United States in the Inter-American Radio Conference to he held in 1937 at Habana, Cuba. Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby author- ized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, the sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessa ry, fo r the expens es of partic ipation by th e Unit ed Sta tes in the Inter-American Radio Conference to be held in 1937 at Habana, 749 . Extensions to com- plete investigations : limitation. Imprisonment before indictment, etc ., time limit not extended . August 24, 1937 [H. R.5900] [Public, No . 349] Offenses against . banks . 48 Stat. 783 . 12 U.S.C.1588b. Bank robbery ; bur. glary and larceny ad- ded . Penalt y prov isions . August 24, 1937 [S. J . Res . 197 ] [Pub. Res., No.671 Inter-American Ra- dio Conference, 1937 . Appropriation au- thorized for partici- pation expenses . Post, p. 770.