Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/786

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 75 7-AUGUST 25, 1937 the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Commissioners of the Dis- trict of Columbia to settle claims and suits against the District of Columbia", approved February 11, 1929, as amended by the Act approved June 5 , 19 30 , and ce rtifie d to t he Sev enty-f ifth C ongress in House Documents Numbered 280 and 332, $ 90 0 . Audited claims : For the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the accounting officers of the District of Columbia, under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (U . S . C ., title 31, sec . 713), being for the service of the fisc al year 1 934 and p rior fisc al years Refund of ass essmen ts, Di strict of Co lumbia, 1933 and 19 34,$46 .1 2 ; Coroner's office, District of Columbia, 1928, $12 . In all, audited claims, $58 .12. Division of expenses : The foregoing sums for the District of Columbia shall be paid out of the revenues of the District of Colum- bia and the Treasury of the United States in the manner prescribed by the District of Columbia appropriations acts for the respective fiscal years for which such sums are provided . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY Dry-land agriculture : For an additional amount for dry-land agri- culture investigations, with special reference to the improvement and development of grasses and other forage plants suitable for use under subhumid, semiarid, or dry-land conditions, including the purchase of la nd, const ruction o f dam and reservo ir, insta llation o f distrib ution and irrigation system, fencing, clearing, and leveling of land, and othe r nece ssary expens es, at the U nited S tates Southe rn Gre at Pla ins Field Station, Woodward, Oklahoma, fiscal year 1938, $76,000 : Pro- vided, That not to exceed $18,000 of this amount may be expended for the purchase of land in connection with these investigations . BUREAU OF DAIRY INDUSTRY The limitation of $313,020 on the amount which may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, contained in the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1938 , under this head, is hereby increased to $334,860 . CO NSERVATION AND USE OF AGRICULTUR AL LAND RES OURCES, DEP AR TM ENT OF AGRICULTURE The provis ion in the i tem en titled "Conse rvatio n and Use of Agri- cultural Land Resources, Department of Agriculture", contained in the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1938, making funds available under this head for "the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, or any other farming materials and making grants thereof to agricultural producers to aid them in carrying out farming prac- tic es app roved by the Secre tary o f Agri culture in th e 1937 progr ams, for the reimbursement of the Tennessee Valley Authority for ferti- lizers heretofore or hereafter furnished by it to the Secretary of Agriculture for such purpose, and for the payment of all expenses necessary in making such grants including all or part of the costs in cident to th e deli very t hereof ", is hereby made a pplica ble al so to the 1938 programs under the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment. Act of February 29, 1936 (50 Stat . 430431) . 761 45 Stat . 1160; 46 Stat . 500. Audited claims, payment of . 18 Stat. 110. 31U.S.C.§713. Division of ex- penses . Department of Ag- riculture . Plant Industry Bu- reau . Dry-land agricul- ture . Ante, p . 408. Proviso. Purchase of land . Dairy Industry Bu- reau. Perso nal ser vices . Ant e, p. 407 . Conservation and use of agricultural land resources. Provisions extend- ed. Ante, p. 430 .