Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/798

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 757-AUGUST 25, 1937 The provision in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act for 1938 a uthori zing t ransfe rs to certai n appro priati ons of the T reasur y Department from funds available to the several agencies enumerated therein, to cover the expenses incurred on account of said agencies in the cl earing of ch ecks, servic ing of bonds, handl ing of colle ctions , and rendering of accounts therefor, is hereby amended to authorize tran sfer s to the s ame appro priat ions from fund s ava ilab le to the Civilian Conservation Corps and to corporations and banks under the supervision of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and the limitation contained in such Act on the total amount which may be transf erred to suc h appr opriat ions i s hereb y incr eased from $ 250 . 0 00 to $400,000 . PROCUREMENT DIVISION-PUBLIO BUILDINGS BRANCH Sites and construction, public buildings, Act of May 25, 1926, as amended : For continuation or completion of construction in connec- tion with any or al l pr oject s aut hori zed u nder the provi sions of sections 3 and 5 of the Public Buildings Act, approved May 25, 1926, and the Acts amendatory thereof approved February 24, 1928, and March 31, 1930 (U . S. C., title 40, sees . 341-349), within the respective limits of cost fixed for such project, there shall be avail- able not to exceed $175,000 from any appropriations heretofore made for specific public-building projects under section 3 of the Act of May 25, 1926, as amended (U . S . C ., title 40, sets . 341-349), or bal- ances thereo f whic h are unobli gated upon th e date of th e appr oval o f this A ct, wh ich ap propri ations or ba lances thereo f shal l be c onsoli - dated into the fund establishEd by the provisions of the "Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year, 1930", out of appropriations made pur- suant to section 5 of said Act of May 25, 1926, and shall be available to the same extent and for the same purposes as other moneys included in such fund . Emergency construction of public buildings outside the District of Columbia : For emergency construction of public-building projects outside of the District of Columbia (including the acquisition, where necessary, by purchase, condemnation, exchange, or otherwise of sites and additional land for such buildings ; the demolition of old buildings where necessary, and construction, remodeling, or extension of buildings ; rental of temporary quarters during construction, including moving expenses ; purchase of necessary equipment for buildings and such additional administrative expenses and salaries as may be required solely for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this paragra h there is hereby authorized to be appropriated a total amount of~$70,000,000 for expenditure over a period of three years, toward which amount $22,500,000 is hereby appropriated


projects , includi ng the si tes there for, to be select ed by the Secretar y of the Treasu ry and the P ostmas ter Ge neral, acting joint ly, fr om the public-building projects specified in House Report Numbered 1879, Seventy-third Congress, second session, as revised May 17, 1937


the projects so selected shall be carried out within the respective estimates of proposed limits of cost specified in such revised report and those hereafter fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster General under the provisions of this paragraph, except that the unobligated balance of the $2,500,000 fund established by the Emerg ency Appro pria tion Act, fisc al ye ar 19 35, a ppro ved J une 1 9, 1934 (48 Stat . 1061), as augmented by the First Deficiency Appro- priation Act, fiscal year 1936 (49 Stat . 1638), shall be available for the augmentation of limits of cost of projects selected under the provisions of this paragraph in an amount n ot exceeding 10 per centum for any project in addition to a further sum"of $500,000 773 Transfer provisions extended to funds available to Civilian Conser vation Corps , etc . Ante, p. 155. Pro cur eme nt Div i- sion, P ublic B uilding s Branch . Sites and construc- tion . 44 Stat. 632; 49 Stat. goo . 40U.S.C.§341; Supp . II, $ 345b. Consolidation of funds . Emergency con- struction outside the District . Salaries . Amo unt au tho riz ed for 3 years . Joint selection of sites . Limits of cost . Fund established by Emergency Appropri- ation Act, 1935, etc . 48 Stat. 1061 ; 4S Stat . 1638 . Augmentations .