Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/800

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75T H CONGR ESS, 1sT SESSION -CH . 757-AUGUST 25, 1937 Memorial to persons killed in the wreck of the Navy dirigible Shenandoah : For carrying out the provisions of the Act of May 22, 1936, entitled "An Act authorizing the erection of a memorial to those who met their death in the wreck of the dirigible Shenandoah", as amended by the Act entitled "An Act to permit the erection of the Shenan doah Memor ial in or near Ava, Ohio", ap proved Au gust 2, 1937, fiscal year 1938, $2,500 : Provided, That no part of this appro- priation shall be available for expenditure until title to the land upon which the tablet or marker is to be erected is acquired by the United States. Cedar City, Utah, post office : The authorization for the purchase of a site and t he co nstru ction of a post office at C edar C ity, Utah, contained in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, approved July 3, 1930, as decreased by Act approved June 30, 1932, is hereby extended to include the purchase of an additional tract of land for the enlargement of the post-office site (Act of July 3, 1930, 46 Stat ., 894P) . American Printing House for the Blind : To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more adequately to provide books and apparatus for the education of the blind as provided by law, fiscal year 1938, $50,000 . WAR DEPARTMENT-CIVIL FUNCTIONS CORPS OF ENGINEERS, RIVER AND HARBOR WORK Imp rovement of Indian River Inl et and Bay , Delaware : F or th e improvement of Indian River Inlet and Bay, Delaware, in accordance with plans and conditions set forth in report of the Chief of Engi- neers dated July 7, 1937, submitted in response to resolution of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives, adopted February 21, 1935, at an estimated cost of $443,000, $160,000, payable from the appropriation for rivers and harbors contained in the War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1938 ; and in addition there shall be contributed by local interests $160,000 . Flushing Bay, New York : For improvement in accordance with River and Harbor Committee Document Numbered 35, Seventy-fifth Congress, $505,000, payable from the appropriation for rivers and har bors co ntai ned in the War Dep art ment Ci vil App ropr iat ion Act , 1938 . TITLE II-JUDGMENTS AND AUTHORIZED CLAIMS PR OPE RTY DAMAGE CLAIMS SE C. 1 . (a) For the payment of claims for damages to or losses of privately owned property, adjusted and determined by the following respective departments and independent offices, under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in the sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case", approved December 28, 1922 (U. S . C ., title 3 1, sees . 215-217), as fully set forth in H ouse Document Numbered 313 of the Seventy-fifth Congress, as follows Federal Civil Works Administra tion, $15 ; Federal Emergency Relief Administration, $30 .70 ; Veterans' Administration, $125 .52 ; Works Progress Administration, $9,442 .08 ; Department of Agriculture, $13 ,137 . 26 ; Department of Commerce, $291 ; De partm ent of the Inter ior, $ 2,490 .4 6 ; Department of Labor, $117 .23 ; Shenandoah Memo- rial , Ava, Oh io, erec- tion expenses . 49 Stat . 1371 . Ante, p. 557. Prooiso. Title to land . 775 Ced ar City, Utah, post office, additional land . 46 Stat. 894 ; 47 Stat. 412 . Ame ric an Prin tin g House for the Blind . Ante, p. 744. War Department, civil functions . Riv er and ha rbor work. Indian River Inlet and Bay, Del ., im- provement . Ante, p. 516. Flushing Bay, N . Y . Ante, p. 516. Judgments and au . thor ized clai ms . Pro per ty dam age claim s. Settlement of, not in excess of $1,000 . 42 Stat . 1066. 31 U.S.C.°°215-217. Offices designated .