Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/833

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808 Relationship of adoptee to adopter . Not to inherit from collateral relatives . Adoptee's family name ; given name . Records op en to inspection upon court order only . Docket to be kept. Sec tion repea led . Provisions not retro- active, etc . August 25, 1937 [S . 26131 [Public . No . 371] Public lands . Iss ue of oil and gas permits, etc., to cer- ta in appli cants au - thorized . 41 Stat .441 ;49 Stat . 675 . 7 5TH CO NGR ESS, 1ST SESSION-ms. 7 74, 775-AUGUST 25, 1937 SEC . 5. Entry of a final decree of adoption shall establish the rela- t ion of nat ural parent and natur al child b etween ado ptor and a doptee for all purposes including mutual rights of inheritance and succes- s ion the sa me as if ad optee was born of ad optor, exc ept that a doptee sh all not inherit fro m collateral relati ves of or the parent s of adoptor a lthough su ch collater al relativ es and par ents of ad optor shal l have the right of inheritance from adoptee . All rights and duties including those of inheritance and succession between adoptee, his or her natural parents, their issue, collateral relatives, and so forth, shall be cut off . I n the even t one of th e natural parents sh all be the spouse of peti- tioner, then the rights and relations as between adoptee, such natural parent, and his or her parents and collateral relatives, including mu tual rights of inhe ritance and success ion, shall in nowise be altered . The fa mily name of the ado ptee shall be changed to that o f adoptor u nless the decree shal l otherwis e provide, and the g iven name of the adoptee may be fixed or changed at the same time . SEC. 6 . Records and papers in adoption proceedings, after the peti- ti on is filed and pri or to the entry of a final decree, shal l be open to inspection by the parties or their attorneys and members of the Board of Public Welfare or their agents, upon order of the court . Upo n the entry of a final decree the Board of Public Welfare and the clerk of the court shall seal all papers in the proceedings. Said seals shall not be broken, and said papers shall not be inspected by any person, including the parties to the proceeding, except upon order of the court . Application for leave to inspect papers in adoption proceedings shall be by petition and shall be granted only for extraordinary cause shown . The court may appoint a master to consider and investigate the facts upon which such a petition is based, who shall make his fi ndings and rec ommenda tions t o the c ourt . The clerk of the court shall keep a docket of all adoption proceed- ings which shall only be inspected upon order of the court upon the same conditions hereinabove set out for the inspection of papers . SEC. 7. Section 395 (title 15, sec . 1, New Code) of the Code of Law of the District of Columbia is hereby repealed . The provisions hereof sh all have no retroac tive effect and sha ll not be construed as affecting in any way the rights and relations obtained by any decree of adop- tion entered heretofore, and all proceedings instituted and pending on th e date of this enac tment shall be carr ied to their final d etermination in accordance with the provisions of section 395 as if this Act had not been enacted, and all orders and decrees entered therein shall remain valid and binding on all parties thereby affected . Approved, August 25, 1937 . [CHAPTER 775]

AN ACT For the relief of certain applicants for oil and gas permits and leases . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue oil and gas prospecting permits pursuant to applications filed therefor under section 13 of the Act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat . 437) ninety days or more prior to the date of the amendatory Act 0.1 August 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 674), by Blanche S . Trigg, attorney in f act for th e respectiv e applican ts, said a pplication s bearing serial numbers Las Cruces 050186, 050589, 050590, 050591, 050592, 050595, 050 918 , 051125, 051201, 050607, 050903, 050911, 050912, 050913, 050914, 050916, 050917, 050922, 051017, 051018, 051052, 051053, 051054, 051055, 051056, 051127, 051128, 051129, 051160, 051161, 051162, 051163, 051173,