Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/872

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75TH CONGRESS , 1sT SESSION-CH . 532-AUGUST 2G, 1937 Morehead City Harbor and Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina


ate Commerce Committee Document, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Channel from Back Sound to Lookout Bight, North Carolina ; House Document Numbered 251, Seventy-fifth Congress ; I nland Waterw ay, Be aufor t, Nor th Car olina . to the Cape Fe ar River, inclu ding waterway to Jacksonvi lle, North Car olina ; Riv ers and Harbo rs Committ ee' Docume nt Numbered 16, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Cape Fear River, North Carolina, above Wilmington ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 17, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Intracoastal Waterway from Cape Fear River, North Carolina, to Savannah. Georgia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 6, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Ashley River, South Carolina ; House Document Numbered 449, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Shipyard River, South Carolina ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 38, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Savannah River below Augusta, Georgia ; Ri ve rs and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 39, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Waterway between Beaufort, South Carolina, and Saint Johns River, Flori da ; Senate Commerce Committee Document, Seventy- fourth Congress ; Intracoastal Waterway from Jacksonville to Miami, Florida ; House Docum ent Nu mbere d 180, Seven ty-fif th Co ngress ; Melbourne Harbor, Florida ; House Document Numbered 390, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Miami Harbor, Florida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbe red 86 , Seve nty-f ourth Congre ss ; Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee Drainage Areas, Florida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee - Document Numbered 28, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Charlo tte Ha rbor, Florida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 95, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Sarasota Bay, Florida ; House Document Numbered 80, Seventy- fifth Congress ; Saint Petersburg Harbor, Florida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 71, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Steinliatchee River, Florid a ; Rive rs and Har bors Commi ttee Document Numbered 87, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Intracoastal Waterway from Apalachicola Bay to Saint Marks River, Florida ; House Document Numbered 29 1, S even ty-f ifth Congr ess ; Saint Marks River, Florida ; Rivers and Harbo rs Committ ee Document Numbered 77, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Saint Josephs Bay, Florida ; Rivers and Ha rb ors Committee Document Numbered 10, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Carrahelle Bar and Harbor, Florida ; House Document 184 , Se vent y-fi fth Cong ress ; Pensacola Harbor, Florida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Pensacola, Fla . Docum ent Nu mbered 96, Sevent y-four th Con gress ; Mobile Harbor, Alabama ; River s and Harbor s Com mittee Docu- ments Num bered 69, Seve nty-fourth Co ngress, and 4 4, Seventy-fif th Cong ress ; Bayous La Loutre, Saint Malo, and Yscloskey, Louisiana ; House Document Numbered 275, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Bay ou Dupre, Louisiana ; Hou se Document Numbered 32 1, Se vent y-fi fth Cong ress ; Vinton Waterway, Louisiana ; Hou se Do cum ent Numbered 16 0, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Numbered 847 Morehead City and Beaufort Inlet, N .C . Channel, Bacx Sound to Lookout Bight, A. C. Waterway, Beau- fort, N. C., to Cape Fear River, etc . Cape Fear River, N. C., above Wil- mington. Intracoastal Water- way, Cape Fear Riv- er, N . C ., to Savannah, Ga. Ashley River, S . C . Shipyard River, S.C. Savannah River, be- low Augusta, Ga . Waterway, Beau- fort, S. C., to Saint Johns River, Fla . Intracoastal Water- way, Jacksonville to Miami, Fla . Melbourne, Fla . Miami, Fla . Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okee- chobe e Dr ainag e Areas, Fla . Charlotte, Fla . Sarasot a Bay, Fla . Sai nt Pet ers bur g, Fla . Steinhatchee River, Fla. Intracoastal Water- wa y, Apalachicola Bay to Saint Marks River, Fla . Saint Marks River, Fla . Saint Josephs Bay, Fla . Carrabelle Bar and Harbor , Fla . Mobile , Ala . Bayous La Loutre, etc., La . Bayou Dupre, La . Vinton Waterway, La.