Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/902

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15TH CONG RESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 8 7 7-AUGUST 28, 1937 gress, first session, at a cost not to exceed $24,877,000 for construction which is hereby authorized to be appropriated for this purpose : Provided, That the protection for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is to be interpreted as applying to the metropolitan district of Pittsburgh Provided further, That the local cooperation required by section 3 is complied with : Provided further, That if, after investigation, the Pre sident finds that any ci ty or town i s, by r eason of its finan cial con dition , unab le to comply with the re quireme nts of secti on 3 a s to local cooperation, he is hereby authorized to waive such requirements on any individual project not to exceed 50 per centum of the esti- mated costs of the lands, easements, and rights-of-way : Provided further, That any funds appropriated for the fiscal year 1938 to carry out the provisions of the Flood Control Act of June 22, 193 6, may be used for plant, material, supervisory, and skilled services necessary in the execution of the projects authorized herein, with relief labor furnished under the provisions of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937. SEC . 2 . That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to approve the expenditure of not to exceed $300,000 per year, from any appro- priations heretofore or hereafter made for flood control, in removing ac cumula ted sn ags an d othe r debr is and cleari ng of channe ls in navi- gable streams and tributaries thereof when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers such work is advisable in the interest of flood control : Provided, That not more than $25,000 shall be expended for this purpose on any single stream in any one year . SEC . 3 . That, in order to further the declaration of policy and principles declared in sections 1 and 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and to supplement the preliminary examina- tions and surveys which the Secretary of War has heretofore been authorized and directed to make of waterways with a view to the con- tro l of thei r floods, the Secr etary of Agricultu re be, an d he is h ereby, authorized and directed to cause preliminary examinations and sur- veys to be made for run-off and water-flow retardation and soil- erosion prevention on the watersheds of said waterways, the costs thereof to be paid from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for such purposes . SEc. 4. That s ection 3 of the Ac t enti tled " An Act author izing the con struct ion of certa in pub lic wo rks on rivers and h arbors for f lood control, and for other purposes", approved June 22, 1936, is hereby amended by adding the following subsection (d) "As a condition to the extending of any benefits, in prosecuting measures for run-off and water-flow retardation and soil erosion pre- vention authorized by Act of Congress pursuant to the policy de- clared in this Act, to any lands not owned or controlled by the United States or any of its agencies, the Secretary of Agriculture may, insof ar as he may deem necess ary for the p urpose s of s uch Ac ts, re quir e- "(1) The enactment and reasonable safeguards for the en- forcement of State and local laws imposing suitable permanent restrictions on the use of such lands and otherwise providing for run-off and water-flow retardation and soil-erosion prevention ; "(2) Agreements or covenants as to the permanent use of such lands ; and "(3) Contributions in money, services, materials, or otherwise to any operations conferring such benefits ." SEC . 5 . That section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the cons tructi on of certai n publ ic wor ks on r ivers and ha rbors for fl ood control, and for other purposes", approved June 22, 1936, is hereby Provisos . Pi tts bur gh int er- preted as metropoli- tan district . Lo cal cooperation requirement . Waiv er, if unable to comply . Use of relief labor . Ante, p.ass. Removal of debris, etc . Proviso . Restriction . Surveys for soil- erosion prevention, etc ., authorized . 49 Stat.1570. 877 State, etc., coot ora- tion . 49 Stat. 1571 . Conditions to ex- tension of benefits . Local restric tions f or prevention of erosion, etc . Agreements as to permanent use of lands . Contributions to op- erations . Pre lim ina ry flo od- control examination :

additions . 49 Stat . 1592.