Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/934

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 898-SEPTEMBER 1, 1937 SEc . 211 . (a) The raw-value equivalent of any sugar or liquid sugar in any form, including sugar or liquid sugar in manufactured prod ucts, expor ted f rom th e con tinent al Un ited States unde r the pro- visions of section 313 of the Tariff Act of 1930 shall be credited against any charges which shall have been made in respect to the applicable quota or proration for the country of origin. The country of origin of sugar or liquid sugar in respect to which any credit sha ll be estab lished shal l be that c ountr y in respec t to import ation from which drawback of the exported sugar or liquid sugar has been claimed . Sugar or liquid sugar entered into the continenta l United States under an applicable bond established pursuant to orders or regulations issued by the Secretary, for the express purpose of subseq uentl y expo rting the equiva lent quant ity of suga r or l iquid sugar as such, or in manufactured articles, shall not be charged against the applicable quota or proration for the country of origin . (b) Exportation within the meaning of sections 309 and 313 of the Tariff Act of 1930 shall be considered to be exportation within the meaning of this section . (c) The quota established for any domestic sugar producing area may be filled only with sugar or liquid sugar produced from sugar beets or sugarcane grown in such area : Provided, however, That any sugar or liquid sugar admitted free of duty from the Virgin Islands under the Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1917 (39 Stat . 1133), may be admitted within the quota for the Virgin Islands . SEC. 212 . The provisions of this title shall not apply to (1) the first ten short tons, raw value, of sugar or liquid sugar imported from any foreign country . other than Cuba, in any calendar year ; (2) the first ten short tons, raw value, of sugar or liquid sugar imported from any fo reign cou ntry, othe r than Cu ba, in any calendar year for religious, sacramental, educational, or experimental purposes ; (3) liquid sugar imported from any foreign country, other than Cuba, in individual sealed containers of such capacity as the Secretary may determine, not in excess of one and one-tenth gallons each ; or (4) any sugar or liquid sugar imported, brought into, or produced or manu- factured in the United States for the distillation of alcohol, or for livestock feed, or for the production of livestock feed. TIT LE III- CON DIT ION AL- PAY MEN T P ROV ISI ONS SEC . 301 . The Secretary is authorized to make payments on the following conditions with respect to sugar or liquid sugar com- mercially recoverable from the sugar beets or sugarcane grown on a farm for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar : (a) That no child under the age of fourteen years shall have been employed or permitted to work on the farm, whether for gain to such child or any other person, in the production, cultivation, or harvesting of aa crop of sugar beets or sugarcane with respect to which application for payment is made, except a member of the immediate family of a person who was the legal owner of not less than 40 per centuin of the crop at the time such work was performed ; an d t h at no child between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years shall have been employed or permitted to do such work, whether for gain to such child or any other person, for a longer period than eight hours in any one day, except a member of the immediate family of a person who was the legal owner of not less than 40 per centum of the crop at the time such work was performed . (b) That all persons employed on the farm in the production, cultivation, or harvesting of sugar beets or sugarcane with respect 46 Stat . 693. 19 U.S. C.°131;. "Exportalion" con- strued . 46 Stat. 690, 693. 19U.8.C.°°1309, 13,'. Loc al produc tion re- quirements . Proviso. Virgin Islands. 39 Stat . 1132. 48U.S.C.°1391. Exemptions . Title III-Condi- tional-payment provi- sions. Child la bor restr ic- tion . Wage rates . 909 Credits and draw- backs .