Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/969

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Deflcienc, Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1937, Thlrd-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. District of Columbia______ - - - - - - - -- Electric Home and Farm Autho:ity_ ExecutiveOffice______ ------------- Federal Communications Commis- sion ___________________ -- - - -- Federal Housing Administration ____ _ Golden Gate International Exposi. tion COmmission _________ - - - -- Great Lakes Exposition ___ - - - - ____ _ Independent Offices _________ - - - - --- Interior, Department oL __________ _ Education, Office of ____________ _ Government in the Territories ___ _ Indian Affairs, Bureau of. _ _ - ____ _ Mines, Bureau of_______ -- - - ___ -- National Park Service __________ _ R.eelamation, Bureau of_________ _ Secretary, Office of ________ - _- - -- Judgments _________ -------------- Justice, Department of ____________ _ CourtR, United States- Marshals, clerks, ete., fecs and expenses ________________ _ Supreme Court, United States __ Investigation, Federal Bureau of __ Penalinstitutions_----------- .. - Printing and binding______ - - - - - -- Labor,Departmentof____--------- Secretary, Office of. _. ___ -_--. Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment _______________________ _ Architect of the CapitoL _. --___ -- Government Printing Office ______ _ House of Representatives_____ - - -- Senate ________________________ _ United States Constitution sesqui- centennial Commission _____ - - Maritime CommiB8ion, United States_ National Capital Park and Planning CommiBBion______------------ National Labor Relations Board. __ _ Navy Department________________ _ MarineCOrps_____-------------- Naval vessels, replacement - - _ - - -- Secretary,Officeof. _-- - - -- - - - - - Yards and Docks, Bureau of____ - - New York World's Fair CommiB8ion __ PostOfficeDepartment__-_-------- Second ABBistant Postmaster Gen- eral,Officeof. ______ - _- - - - - - Social Security Board____ - - - - - _- - -- State, Department of____ -- -- -_ --.- Special Mexican Claims Commis- sion_____________---------- Thomas Jefferson' Memorial Com- mission ______________ - - - _- - -- 1251111° - 3i --60 INDEX xxv Paj[t 75!l 757 757 757 758 759 75f1. 757 763 765 765 763 764 764 764 763 776 765 766 766 76" 766 765 766 766 755 757 757 756 755 756 759 758 758 767 768 717 767 767 759 768 768 759 768 771 759 De8cfene, Appropriation Ad, Fiscal rear Pare 1937, Third-Coutinued. Appropriation for-Continued. Treasury Department______ . _______ 771 Accounts and Deposits, Officc of COmmiB8ioller of____ . _______ 772 Coast Guard __________________ . _ 772 Narcotics, Bureau of _______ . _. ___ 772 Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, en- forcement ________ . __ .__. _ 772 Procurement Division, Public Build- ingsBr.anch________________ 775 Public Health Service_ ___ _____ __ __ 772 Secretary, Office 0'- _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 771 Treasurer of the United States, Office 01.__ ________ _________ 772 War Department-Civil Functions___ 775 Delaware: Fort DuPont, construction at, author- ized___________________________ 858 River and harbor improvements author- bed _________________________ 845,846 Preliminary examinations authorized _ 8 .' ;2 Delaware River: Examination authorizoo_ _____ __ __ __ __ 878 Improvement authorized _ ______ __ __ __ 845 Time extended for bridging, at- Barryville, N. Y _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ ______ 746 Trenton, N. J_____________________ 21 Delaware River, DeL aDd Md., examina- tion of inland waterway from, to Chesapeake Bay, authorized_ _______ 852 Delaware River Valley TerceDteDary: Commission, appropriation lor expenses_ 272 Invitation to Finland to participate_ _ __ 813 DeDmark, appropriation for minister tn~ __ 21\3 Denver, Colo.: Appropriation for mint_______________ 151 Air Corps Technical School, establish- ment of branch at_______________ M2 De Poe Ba" Ore,., improvement author- ized______________________________ 849 Deportatie" See Aliens. Desehute. River, Oreg.. examination aut.horized _______________________ . 880 Desert-Land Entrymen, time extended (or offering final proof. ____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ 303 Detroit, Mich.: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office expenses___ ____ __ 118 River postal service__ ___ __ ___ ____ __ 158 Detro1t River, Mich., improvement au- thorized.___________ ______________ 8.8 Digest of PubUc General BIU" appropria- tion for printing, ete_______________ 214 Disarmament Conference, General, Ge- ne"a, Switzerland, balances continued availablefot. ____ • ___ • ______ •• ____ 228