Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/971

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INDE.~ XXVII District 01 Colllmbl.- c ontinued. Pace Appropriation for-Continued. Schools, publie-Continuod. Community Centcr Department___ 369 Deaf, dumb, and blind__ ____ ___ __ 370 ~~cellaneous___________________ 369 Night schools ____ - ______________ 368 Sewers_ ___ ______________ _ ____ ____ 366 Street and road improvement and re- pair_________________________ 387 Vocational rehabilitation, disabled residents_ ____ _______ ______ ___ 611 Water service ___________ . _____ . ___ 391 Washington Aqueduct_ . . _. ___ ___ 391 Zoological Park, Nationa!. . _ ____ _ _ _ 3!16 l>cficiency appropriation for- ASBCSIIInents, refund of _____ ___ _____ 218 Audited claims. __ __ __ __ _ 219,234,761,778 Boiler inspection and regulation_ ____ 11 Claims, payment of_____ _____ _____ _ 760 Contingcnt, etc., e1lJ>Cn8CS _________ 12,217 Courts ________________ ~ _ _____ __ __ 218 Supreme Court, miscellaneous ex- penses_____________________ 760 D~trict Training SChooL___________ 760 Employees' Compenution Fund_ _ __ 11 Fire Department _____________ . ____ 12 Guthrie, Charla! R., payment of judgnnent____________________ 760 Industrial Home SchooL ______ _____ 760 Judgments _____________________ 219,760 Old-age want, assistance against_ ____ 760 Public schools __________________ 217,760 Public welfare_ _ _ _ _____ ___ __ ______ 218 ~trict Training SChooL________ 218 Home for Aged and Infirm_______ 218 Industrial Home School for Colored ~dren___________________ 218 Tuberculos~ hospital and sana- torium_____________________ 218 Workhouse Rnd reformatory _ _____ 218 Saint ElizabethB Hospital ________ 218, 760 Sherwood Brothers, Inc., payment of judgnnent____________________ 760 Taxstructure, survey of. _ _ __ ______ 759 Vocational rehabilitation _ ____ ______ 765 Washington Petroleum Products, Inc., payment of judRJDent__ __ __ 760 Weights, measures, etc., office of auperintendent of_ _ _ _ __ ____ __ _ 760 Wills, Register of.__ _ __ __ _ __ ____ __ _ 11 Adoption proceedings, jurisdiction con- ferred on District Court; condi- tions required ____ _____ ________ __ 806 Consent provisions, adoptee___ ____ __ 807 Decree of adoption, findings required _ 807 Notice to Vital Statistics Bureau____ _ 807 Records open only on court order _ _ _ _ 808 Relationship of adoptee to adoptor; Inheritance rights, etc_ ___ ___ ___ 808 Advance of iunds to, authority for ______ 692 District 01 Columbia-Continued. Albert Gallatin, statue of, selection of site and erection of pedestal author- ized _______________________ ~ ___ Alcoholic Control Aot, Amendments- Importations, limitation on; ex- ceptions _____________________ _ Penalty provisions _____________ _ Licenses- Retailers, adver~mcnt of appli- cation for _________________ _ Separate application for each place of busin6llll __________ _ Suspension of, posting of notice on p~------------------- ADey Dwelling Authority, funds avail- able for, under United States Housing Act of 1937 _________ • __ _ Asphalt plant, purohase authorized. ___ _ Blindness, prevention of, in infants born in ____________________________ _ Bowling alleys, Sundsy closing hours __ _ Capital Auditorium Commission, estab- lishment; comr..Ottition; duties, etc_ Report to COngress ______________ __ Central Heating Plant, furnishing of steam by, to buildings on Judiclary Square ________________________ _ Code Amendments- Embezzlement, etc., penalty for _____ _ False pretenses, definition; penalty __ Grand laroeny~ definition; penalty __ _ Larceny after trust, penalty for ____ _ Petit larceny, definition; order of res- titution; penalty _____________ _ Property, l'Clovable, malicious burn- ing, etc., penalty _____________ _ Trees, IIUIlicious cutting down or destroying, penalty ___________ _ Communism, repeal of provision relatin, to teaching of, in public schools ___ _ Congressional tags, issuance of, limited__ Construction work, etc., under Com- missionelB _____________________ _ Court 01 Appeals lor, representation of, on annual conference of senior cir- cuit judges ____________________ _ D~bursements, credit allowed for desig- nated _________________________ _ Division of expenses ________________ _ Employoes, pay granted to certain, for Jan. 20, 1937__________________ _ Financial responsibility, motor vehicle operatolB; judgnnenta and bonds, minimum amount eliminated ____ _ Fort Humphrey.. condruction at, au- thorised _______________________ • Headquart.ers Provisional Brigade and Quartermaster Depot, co".truction at, Buthodzed __________________ _ 260 303 803 802 803 803 899 389 120 63 20 20 95 629 628 628 629 628 629 629 211 394 392 473 394 12 56 751 859 861