Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/988

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XLIV INDEX Illdepeadea' Oftlcee-Gontinued. p... Indl.......Contlnued. Appropriation for-Continued. Oil lands in fonner nuval .Te8erveli. protection of interests of United States in matters affecting__ _ 340 Railroad Retiremcl't Bo&"L ___ _ __ 340, 470 Railroad Retirement Account__ . 470 Reconstruction Finance Corporatioll_ 350 Rural J.;lectrification Administration _ 341 Securities and Exchange Corumisslon_ 342 Smithsonian Institutiull _ 342 National GaUery of Art- _.. _. 343 National MUlltmm_ __ __ 342 80eial Security Board __ 343 TarUf Commission ____ . ________ 345 VetcraII.IJ' Administratiun_ __ 345 Defieieney appropriation for- Audited t'lailns. _ _ _ 234, 777,780 Charh-s Carroll or Carrollton Bieen- River and harbor improvements author- ized _________ . __ ._ ..__. _. ___ .__ Preliminary examination8 authorized. Wabash River- Bridge authorized across, at Lock- port____________________ . __ .___ Time exfendt'<i for bridgin6. at Meronl. __ _ _ Indian Airaira. Bareau or. SI'e Interior. Department of. Indian. Hubor .nd Canal. Ind., improve- ment autuorized _____ . __ . _________ _ Indian Arts and Crafts Boud, appropria- tion for expeU8C8 ______ . . _________ _ _ IDdi.. Chartered Corporations. appropri- ation for revolving fund fur loans to__ Indiallbead. Md ., appropriation fur 8choot at ordnance station __ ... _. .. ______ _ tenary Commission ___ _ 10 Indian River, Fla., examination aut.hor- Civilian Con!lervatioll Corps ____ _ District of Columbia Airport COIII- mil!8ioll ___ • ________ ___ _ 1';lectrie Home and I<'anu Authority __ Emergency ConllCrvation Work ___ _ Executive Office __ . ___ _ _ _- __ __ _ _ Fann Credit Administration_ Federal Communication8 Conllni!;- 757 10 757 10 757 11 sioo__________ _ _ H, 215, 757 Federal Housing AdJuiniHtration _ __ 758 Golden Gate International Exposi- tion Commitaion _____ . __ 750 (Jre&t Lakes Exposition__ 213,758 Intc~tate Commerce CommiBlliolL _ _ 215 Maritime Commillsion, Unitt!d States_ 7li9 Na.tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics _____________ _ National Capital Pnrk and PllI-lIl1ing Commia8ion _________ . ___ ___ National Labor Relations Huard ___ _ Sational Mediation :\oard ______ _ National Railroad Adjustment Board_______ . __ .._.__._ New York World's Fair Commil!8ion. Relief and work relief.. __ _ ___ _ ___ _ l:iocial &curity Board__ _ TenneSlk.'e Valley Authority __ . _.. Thomas Jefferson Memorial COUl- mission ______________ _ Veterans' Administmtiou_. __ Indepelldent Offices Appropriation Act. 1924, provision8 for construction of national gaIlcry of art, repealed __ . . _ lDdependeD' Oftlc:es AppropriatioD Ac:t, 1938. See Independent Offices. huliana: Ohio Ri"er. time extendf'tt for bridgiug, lit Rockport .. 216 758 758 216 216 759 10 759 7!i9 759 11 53 243 ized______ . .. __________ ._" __ ._ .. Indian River Inlet and Bay. Del•• impron,.. Dlent autll()rizt~d ___ . . _ .... _____ .. __ Appropriation for_ _ _ __ __ .. ___ _. Indiana. Seeahlo Inu-rior, Departmeutof, Indian Affairs, Hureau of. AgIJa Caliente, Calif., sale or lease of land for public airport authorized. Arizona, restoration of ('('rtain lands tu tribal ownership_ . __ . _____ _ Miul"ral patents. depU6it of Tent hy applicant; damages ___ . . __ . Order withdrawing ecrtain lands from mineral cutry re\"l)kl!<i_ Rights.of-wll.Y, etc. _. _. _. __ Watl'r deve:'opmcnts, relit riction on .. use ____ . _____ _ -.. __ ._. _ _. Blackfeet, Mont., relinquishment of lands held for n'clamation pur- pOBell to; expenditure authorizt)(L. Cap:tan Gmnde Band of Mill8ion Indian8, reservation of certain public lands, Calif., for benefit of_ Chickasaw, Okla.• reservation of min- erals in future land sales. _. ___ .._ Sale of ecrtaiu dormitory properties authorized _____ .. _ _ _ _ ___ _ Choctaw, Okla., reservation of ruineralN in future land sales _____ . __ ___ _ Crow Reservation. Mont., certain land eliminated frulll __ . ___ .__.. ____ .. Fhc Civilized Trihes, amendments til petitions permitted in slIits under . J l lrisdil."tional Act!!, Court of Claim~ ____ . __ . ____ ._. ___ ..___ Gulden Gate Internatioual Exposition. participation of. ___ . _. _____ ... _ Homestead lands purchased from trllst, etc., funds to be nontaxable_ 848 ·854 542 475 576 576 104 846 775 811 8ti2 86:i 863 863 ~fi3 864 72 810 537 Ij!iO 493 1~8