Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/11

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Date Page Charles Tabit. AN ACT For the relief of Charles Tabit ----------- August 16, 1937 -_ - 1060 Sam Romack. AN ACT For the relief of Sam Romack --------- August 16, 1937 -- 1060 A. H. Sphar. AN ACT For the relief of A. H . Sphar ----- ______- August 16, 1937-- 1061 John N. Brooks. AN ACT For the relief of John N. Brooks - __ __ _ _ August 16, 1937____ 1061 Jack C. Allen. AN ACT For the relief of Jack C. Allen -- ..-- -- August 16, 1937 --. 1062 Col. C. J . Bartlett, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Colonel C. J. Bartlett, United States Army ---------------- August 16, 1937----- 1062 William Sperry. AN ACT For the relief of William Sperry .------- August 16, 1937 - ___ 1063 Lake Spence. AN ACT For the relief of Lake Spence - -- --- --- _ August 16, 1937---- 1063 Luther Jennings Workman. AN ACT For the relief of Luther Jennings Workman, a minor .

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August 16, 1937 --- 1064 D. E. Sweinhart. AN ACT For the relief of D. E . Sweinhart -__ __ August 16, 1937__ - 1064 Thomas H. McLain. AN ACT For the relief of Thomas H. McLain August 16, 1937---- 1064 William Sullivan. AN ACT For the relief of William Sullivan--- August 16, 1937 ---- 1065 Farmers' Storage and Fertilizer Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Farmers' Storage and Fertilizer Company, of Aiken, South Carolina -------

August 17, 1937 --- 1065 Clifford L. Bonn. AN ACT For the relief of Clifford L. Bonn- _ _ _ - - August 17, 1937__ 1066 James O. Cook. AN ACT For the relief of James O. Cook ---..--- August 19, 1937 -- 1066 Robert Coates. AN ACT For the relief of Robert Coates --- __ -__ August 19, 1937----- 1066 Wayne M. Cotner. AN ACT For the relief of Wavne M. Cotner ___ August 19, 1937 __-_ 1067 Ralph Reisler. AN ACT For the relief of Ralph Reisler ----------- August 19, 1937 --- 1067 W. H. Lenneville. AN ACT For the relief of W. H. Lenneville ---- August 19, 1937 -_. 1067 Marian Malik. AN ACT For the relief of Marian Malik --------- August 19, 1937 -- __ 1068 Walter G. Anderson. AN ACT For the relief of Walter G. Anderson_ August 19, 1937 ---- 1068 Edith Jordan. AN ACT For the relief of Edith Jordan ------ ____ _ August 19, 1937 -__ - 1069 Jesse A. LaRue. AN ACT For the relief of Jesse A. LaRue - _ ____ August 19, 1937 --- 1069 Rowesville Oil Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Rowesville Oil Company -------------

August 20, 1937---- 1069 Southern Overall Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Southern Overall Company --------------.---------------- ---. August 20, 1937---- 1070 Fred P. Halbert. AN ACT For the relief of Fred P. Halbert ------ August 20, 1937---- 1070 Mary Lucia Haven. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Lucia Haven- _ August 21, 1937 - 1070 Stella Van Dewerker. AN ACT For the relief of Stella Van Dewerker_ - August 21, 1937---- 1071 Acors Rathbun Thompson. AN ACT To authorize the award of a decoration for distinguished service to Acors Rathbun Thomp- son ----------

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August 23, 1937---- 1071 Navy, enlisted men and others, property losses. AN ACT To provide for the reimbursement of certain enlisted men and former enlisted men of the Navy for the value of personal effects lost while en- gaged in emergency relief expeditions during the Ohio Valley flood in January and February 1937 -------------- ------ August 24, 1937--- 1071 Rose McGirr. AN ACT For the relief of Rose McGirr ----------- August 24, 1937 -- 1072 Lucille McClure. AN ACT For the relief of Lucille McClure ------ August 25, 1937-- 1072 F. P. Delahanty. AN ACT For the relief of F. P . Delahanty ----- August 25, 1937 - 1073 Mrs. Charles T. Warner. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Charles T. Warner--

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August 25, 1937- _ 1073 Ruth Gaskins. AN ACT For the relief of Ruth Gaskins ---- _-- --- August 25, 1937- -1 073 Carl E. Padgett. AN ACT For the relief of Carl E. Padgett ..- _ August 25, 1937.. 1074 Mrs. Cliff Snider and W. M . Jordan. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Cliff Snider and W. M. Jordan .----- ------------------ August 25, 1937-- 1074 Sue F. Melton. AN ACT For the relief of Sue F. Melton -------- August 25, 1937 1075 W. G. Adams. AN ACT For the relief of W. G. Adams ---------- August 25, 1937 1075 Park B. Brandon and Robert G. Teer. AN ACT For the relief of Park B. Brandon and Robert G. Teer--------------------A August 25, 1937.. -- 1075 Robert L. Summers. AN ACT For the relief of Robert L. Summers- August 25, 1937-- 1076 Leah P. Rice. AN ACT For the relief of Leah P. Rice------------ August 25, 1937 - 1076 Genevieve E. Daley. AN ACT For the relief of Genevieve E. Daley_ August 25, 1937-- 1076 Earl Hill. AN ACT For the relief of Earl Hill ----------------- August 25, 1937 - 1077 Mada Landtiser. AN ACT For the relief of Mada Landtiser ------ August 25, 1937 --- 1077 Paul and A. B . Johnson. AN ACT For the relief of Paul and A. B . Johnson ------------------------------------ _ August 25, 1937---- 1077 David J. Mahoney and others. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to advance on the retired list of the Navy David J. Mahoney, David Bolger, Cleve B. Farran, James Johnson, and Hans Terkelsen, retired, to chief boilermaker, retired ---- August 25, 1937.-- - 1078 Lamar Snipes and Luther S. Snipes. AN ACT For the relief of Lamar Snipes and Luther S. Snipes------------------------ August 25, 1937-- 1078 Delaware Bay Shipbuilding Company, Inc. AN ACT Conferring jurisdiction upon the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey to hear, determine, and render judg- ment upon the claim of the Delaware Bay Shipbuilding Com- pany, Incorporated ---

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August 25, 1937 _-- 1079 Hans Everson. AN ACT For the relief of Hans Everson ---.....- . August 25, 1937.. 1079 xi