Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/14

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LIST OF CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Date Page Congress. Joint meeting of the two Houses--....---------- .. __- - January 5, 1937 ____ 1107 Electoral votes. Proceedings for counting . .------ ------ _ _ -------_ January 5, 1937 ____ 1107 Revenue Act of 1936. Printing of additional copies ----------------- January 29, 1937 _ -- 1108 Army Day. Observance .. __ ...-.._______.._..__ ........- March 16, 1937- _ _ 1108 Taxing Power of the Federal and State Governments (The). Printing of additional copies -----


__ April 1, 1937_ - -- -. _ 1108 Charles M. Perkins. Return of bill for relief of-- ___ _._ __ _._ __ ___ - April 7, 1937 _______ 1108 Charles M. Perkins. Correction in reenrollment, etc., of bill for re- lief of -------------------------------------------------- April 9, 1937 ------. 1109 Foreign decorations, etc. Return and reenrollment, etc., of bill re- specting ...----


__.________.._-...._ April 12, 1937---- __ 1109 Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. Correction in enrollment .---------- April 15, 1937 ------ 1109 Reorganization of the judicial branch of the Government. Printing of additional copies of hearings -.------ ___-_____ -- -____ _-_ _ May 12, 1937 ---- __ 1109 William Jennings Bryan and J. Sterling Morton. Printing of proceed- ings on acceptance of statues of-----.---------------------- May 21, 1937 ___. _ 1110 Independent Offices AppropriationBill, 1938. Correction in enrollment_ May 28, 1937 --- . 1110 William Jennings Bryan and J. Sterling Morton. Acceptance of statues of, and thanks of Congress to Nebraska ------------- June 7, 1937________ 1110 Birth of Virginia Dare, etc. Observance, appointment of Congressional committee -----

.-- ---------- --..-- ... . _.._ _ June 16, 1937 --.-- 1111 Star-routecontracts. Correction in enrollment of bill concerning-- _- _ June 18, 1937_ _ 1111 Independent Offices AppropriationBill, 1938. Correction in enrollment_ June 18, 1937 ____ 1111 Reorganization of the judicial branch of the Government. Printing of additional copies of Senate report ------ _--__ . .-- _ -- -- ____ _ June 30, 1937-____- 1111 General William Henry HarrisonBeadle. Acceptance of statue of, and thanks of Congress to South Dakota __________ -___ __ ___ July 19, 1937. __ ___ 1112 Technological Trends and National Policy, Including the Social Implica- tions of the New Inventions. Printing of additional copies___. August 6, 1937--_ ___ 1112 Joint Committee on Hawaii. Establishment ---. -- --- - -- __---__ _ August 21, 1937 -... 1112 Alaska. Preparation of plan for developing resources of ----------- August 21, 1937__. 1113 Congress. Adjournment ------- --

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___ _ August 21, 1937-_ _ 1113 Enrolled bills, etc. Signing after adjournment -------------------- August 21, 1937_____ 1113 xv 125151°- 37-PT II-