Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/16

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LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Page Brazil. Naval mission -------------------------------------------------------- 1403 Nicaragua. Reciprocal trade ------------ __________________------------------ _ 1413 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Commercial relations ----- ____ _ _ _ --------- --- 1433 Finland. Reciprocal trade ------------.- -- -- -- .. .. ..------------------------- 1436 Brazil. Military mission____________________ ._ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ - 1457 France. Suppression of customs frauds ----------------------------------------- 1468 Bahamas. Parcel post -----------...---------- .--. ------- ________ 1472 Gibraltar. Parcel post -------------------.--.-- 1488 Netherlands. Reciprocal trade ----- ------------ .- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- . ___________ . 1504 El Salvador. Reciprocal trade----- ._ _ __ _ __ ------ ---------- --- 1564 Costa Rica. Reciprocal trade ------ .

..- __. __ .. - 1582 Peru. Exchange of official publications ------------------- _--_-_- __ -- ___- 1601 Japan. Perpetual leaseholds-----______----------_-------------------- 1611 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Commercial relations ---- __ . ____ __- _____ ______ _ . 1619 Panama. Mutual recognition of ship measurement certificates --------- --- ___ ________ 1626 Rumania. Parcel post --------------------------------------------- 1630 Postal Union of the Americas and Spain. Convention, parcel post agreement, and money order agreement ------------------------------------------------------ 1657 xix