Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/18

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Date Page
Labor disputes, board for investigating, etc., certain, created April 26, 1937 1830
Spain, exportation of arms, etc., to May 1, 1937 1831
Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, enumeration of May 1, 1937 1834
National Aviation Day, 1937 May 26, 1937 1837
Pere Marquette, tercentenary of birth, observance May 27, 1937 1837
Emergency flood relief, proclamation respecting, revoked May 27, 1937 1838
Puerto Rico, Desecheo Island, conveyance to June 16, 1937 1839
The signing and ratification of the Constitution and inauguration of first President, commemoration of July 4, 1937 1840
Wupatki National Monument, Ariz., area enlarged July 9, 1937 1841
Harney National Forest, S. Dak. and Wyo., are a enlarged July 12, 1937 1842
Migratory game birds, etc., regulations concerning July 30, 1937 1844
Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah, lands set apart August 2, 1937 1856