Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/213

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TREATIES ARTICLE I. Addition to extra- The following stipulation, form- ditable crimes. 37 Stat.1529;46 Stat. ing a paragraph 17, is added to the list of crimes and offenses appear- ing in Article II of the aforemen- tioned Convention of January 6, 1909, completed by the additional Convention of January 15, 1929: Crimes, etc.,against "Acts classified under the head- bankptcyws. ing of bankruptcy, or punished with the penalties of bankruptcy, by French law, if they constitute a crime or an offense in accordance with the laws of the United States". ARTICLE II. Cofnidered rt of The present Convention shall be considered as an integral part of the aforementioned extradition Convention of January 6, 1909. The second article thereof shall be read as if the list of crimes and offenses contained therein had originally comprised the criminal acts under the heading of bank- ruptcy by French law and pro- vided for in Article I of the present Convention. Exchangeofratifica- The present Convention shall ons. be ratified and the ratifications ex- changed at Paris as soon as pos- sible. It will come into force thirty days after the exchange of ratifications. It will continue in force and will terminate in the same manner as the said Conven- tion of January 6, 1909. Signatures. By virtue of which the present plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention in duplicate and have thereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Paris, on the 23rd of April, 1936. JESSE ISIDOR STRAITS [SEAL] P. E . FLANDIN [SEAL] ARTICLE IER- La disposition suivante con- stituant un paragraphe 17 est ajoutee a la liste des crimes et delits figurant a l'article II de ladite Convention du 6 Janvier 1909, completee par la Convention additionnelle du 15 Janvier 1929: "Faits incrimines sous la quali- fication de banqueroute ou punis des peines de la banqueroute par la legislation frangaise, s'ils con- stituent un crime ou un d6lit, d'apres la legislation des Etats- Unis". ARTICLE II. La presente Convention doit 8tre consid6ree comme partie inte- grante de ladite Convention d'ex- tradition du 6 Janvier 1909. Le nouvel article II de cette derniere doit etre interprete comme si la liste des crimes et delits qui y sont enumeres avait compris des l'ori- gine les faits incrimin6s sous la qualification de banqueroute par la legislation francaise et prevus a l'Article Ier de la presente Con- vention. La presente Convention sera ratifiee et les ratifications seront echang6es a Paris le plus t6t possi- ble. Elle entrera en vigueur trente jours apres l'echange des ratifica- tions. Elle restera en vigueur et prendra fin dans les memes con- ditions que la Convention du 6 Janvier 1909. EN Foi de quoi, les Plnipoten- tiaires respectifs ont sign6 la pre- sente Convention en double exem- plaire et y ont appose leurs sceaux. Fait en double A Paris le 23 Avril 1936. [SEAL] JESSE ISIDOR STRAUS [SEAL] P. E . FLANDIN Ratifications ex- AND WHEREAS the said supplementary convention has been duly changed. ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Paris on the twenty-fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six; Effective date. AND WHEREAS the said supplementary convention, in accordance with Article II thereof, will come into force thirty days after the exchange of ratifications, that is to say, on September 24, 1936;