Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/220

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TREATIES Clenipotentiaries- The Government of France: Continued. Mr. Rio, Senator and former Minister. Captain HAARBLEICHER, Naval Construction Corps, Director of Mercantile Shipping Service, Department of Public Works. Commander MARIE, Naval Construction Corps, Direction of Mercantile Shipping. Captain THOJUROUDE, Naval Attache to the French Embassy in London. The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Sir Herbert W. RICHMOND, Vice-Admiral, Royal Navy. Sir Westcott ABELL, Professor of Naval Architecture, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on -Tyne. Mr. A . L. AYRE, Vice-President of the Shipbuilding Employers' Federation. Captain F. W . BATE, Professional Officer, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade. Mr. C. H. BOYD, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade. Sir William C. CURRIE, President of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom. Mr. A. J. DANIEL, Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade. Sir Norman HILL, Chairman of the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee. Sir Charles HIPWOOD, Principal Assistant Secretary, Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade. Captain A. R . H. MORRELL, Trinity House. The Government of India: Sir Geoffrey L. CORBETT, Commerce Department, Government of India. Captain E. V. WHISH, Port Officer, Bombay. Mr. M. A. MASTER, General Manager of the Scindia Steam Navigation Company. The Government of Italy: Lieut. -General of Port G. INGIANNI, General Director of the Mercantile Marine. Vice-Admiral A. ALESSIO, Chief of the Technical Inspectorate of the Mercantile Marine. Count D. ROGERI DI VILLANOVA, Counsellor to the Italian Embassy in London. Dr. T. C . GIANNINI, Counsellor of Emigration. Major-General of Port F. MARENA, Vice-Inspector of Harbour Master Offices. Engineer-General E. FERRETTI, Chief of the Technical Office of the Italian Naval and Aeronautical Register. Mr. G. GNEME, Chief of the Telegraph Service of the General Direction of Postal and Telegraphic Services. Commander L. BIANCHERI, Royal Italian Navy. The Government of Japan: Mr. Yukio YAMAMOTO, Inspector-General of the Mercantile Marine Bureau, Expert in the Department of Communica- tions. Captain Shichihei OTA, Imperial Japanese Navy. Mr. Itaro ISHII, First Class Secretary of Embassy.