Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/230

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1136 C;nlstruction, test- ing, etc. Post, pp . 1202 -1214, 1216-1240. Stability test. Official log book. TREATIES ARTICLE 7. Construction, Testing, &c. Regulations VIII to XIII and XV to XXI prescribe rules for- (a) the construction and testing of subdivision bulkheads, inner bottoms, watertight decks, trunks, ventilators, fire-resisting bulk- heads, &c.; (b) the conditions governing openings in bulkheads, in the ship's sides and in the weather deck, and the character and use of means which shall be provided for closing these openings; (c) the tests and the periodical inspections and operation of the means of closing openings in bulkheads and in the ship's side; (d) exits from watertight compartments; (e) pumping arrangements; and (j) power for going astern and auxiliary steering apparatus. ARTICLE 8. Stability Test. Every new passenger ship shall be inclined upon its completion and the elements of its stability determined. The operating personnel shall be supplied with such information on this subject as is necessary to permit efficient handling of the ship. ARTICLE 9. Entries in the Official Log Book. Entries. A record of the closing and opening of watertight doors, &c., and of all inspections and drills, shall be entered in the official log book Post, p. 1216. as required by Regulation XIV. ARTICLE 10. Initial and Subsequent Surveys of Ships. Initial and subse- qsuent surveys of Post, p. 1224. Post, p. 1224 . The general principles which shall govern the survey of ships, whether new or existing, as regards hull, main and auxiliary boilers and machinery, and equipments, are stated in Regulation XXII. Each Contracting Government undertakes- (1) to draw up detailed regulations in accordance with these general principles, or to bring its existing regulations into agreement with these principles; (2) to secure that these regulations shall be enforced. The detailed regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be in all respects such as to secure that, from the point of view of safety of life, the ship is fit for the service for which it is intended.