Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/290

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factor B given by formula (ii); and of those having a criterion numeral between 23 and 123 by the factor F obtained by linear interpolation between the factors A and B, using the formula:- F=A(A-B)(C.-23)............. 100 Where the factor F is less than 40 and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Administration to be impracticable to comply with the factor F in a machinery compartment of the ship, the subdivision of such com- partment may be governed by an increased factor, which, however, shall not exceed .40. (b.) The subdivisionabaft thefore peak of ships less than 430 feet (131 metres) but not less than 260 feet (79 metres) in length having a crite- , , „, „9382-20L . 3574- 25L rion numeral equal to S, where S=9382420(L in feet)= 3574-25L (L in metres) shall be governed by the factor unity; of those having a criterion numeral of 123 or more by the factor B given by the formula (ii); of those having a criterion numeral between S and 123 by the factor F obtained by linear interpolation between unity and the factor B, using the formula:- F=l-- - . . .. . . . . . . . . . . (vi) 123-S .............. ( (c.) The subdivision abaft thefore peak of ships less than 430 feet (131 metres) but not less than 260 feet (79 metres) in length and having a criterion numeral less than S, and of all ships less than 260 feet (79 metres) in length shall be governed by the factor unity, unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Administration to be impracticable to comply with this factor in any part of the ship, in which case, the Administration may allow such relaxation as may appear to be justi- fied, having regard to all the circumstances. (d.) The provisions of sub-paragraph (c) shall apply also to ships of whatever length, which are to be certified to carry a number of L2 (in feet) L2 (in metres) passengers exceeding 12 but not exceedingL 2 (ifeet) L ( m ) or 50, whichever is the less. REGULATION V. Special Rules concerning Subdivision. cerncial ulision. (1.) A compartment may exceed the permissible length determined by the rules of Regulation IV provided the combined length of each pair of adjacent compartments to which the compartment in question is common does not exceed either the floodable length or twice the permissible length, whichever is the less. 1196 TREATIES