Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/296

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TREATIES Watertight bulk- heads, etc. Construction and initial testing of. (2.) The freeboard corresponding to each of these loadlines inserted in the Safety Certificate shall be measured at the same position and from the same deck line as the freeboards determined by recognised national Freeboard Regulations. (3.) In no case shall any subdivision loadline mark be placed above the deepest loadline in salt water as determined by the strength of the ship and/or recognised national Freeboard Regulations. (4.) Whatever may be the position of the subdivision loadline marks, a ship shall in no case be loaded so as to submerge the loadline mark appropriate to the season and locality as determined by the recognised national Freeboard Regulations. REGULATION VIII. Construcionand Initial Testing of Watertight Bulkheads, &c. (1.) Watertight subdivision bulkheads, whether transverse or longitudinal, shall be constructed in such a manner that they shall be capable of supporting with a proper margin of resistance, the pres- sure due to a head of water up to the margin line in way of each bulkhead. The construction of these bulkheads shall be to the satis- faction of the Administration. (2.) Steps and recesses in bulkheads shall be watertight and as strong as the bulkhead at the place where each occurs. Where frames or beams pass through a watertight deck or bulk- head, such deck or bulkhead shall be made structurally watertight without the use of wood or cement. (3.) Testing main compartments by filling them with water is not compulsory. A complete examination of the bulkheads shall be made by a surveyor; and, in addition, a hose test shall be made in all cases. (4.) The forepeak shall be tested with water to a head up to the deepest subdivision loadline. (5.) Double bottoms, including duct keels, and inner skins are to be subjected to a head of water up to the margin line. (6.) Tanks which are intended to hold liquids, and which form part of the subdivision of the ship, shall be tested for tightness with water to a head up to the deepest subdivision loadline or to a head corresponding to two-thirds of the depth from the top of keel to the margin line in way of the tanks, whichever is the greater; provided that in no case shall the test head be less than 3 feet (.92 metre) above the top of the tank. 1202