Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/360

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TREATIES (b.) TropicalStorms. -(Hurricanes in the West Indies, Typhoons in the China Seas, Cyclones in Indian waters, and storms of a similar nature in other regions.) (1.) A Statement that a Tropical Storm has been Encoun- tered. -This obligation should be interpreted in a broad spirit, and information transmitted whenever the master has good reason to believe that a tropical storm exists in his neighbourhood. (2.) Meteorological Information.-In view of the great assistance given by accurate meteorological data in fixing the position and movement of storm centres, each shipmaster should add to his warning message as much of the following meteorological information as he finds practicable:- (a) barometric pressure (millibars, inches or millimetres); (b) change in barometric pressure (the change during the previous two to four hours); (c) wind direction (true not magnetic); (d) wind force (Beaufort or decimal scale); (e) state of the sea (smooth, moderate, rough, high): (f) swell (slight, medium, heavy) and the direction from which it comes. When barometric pressure is given the word "millibars," "inches" or "millimetres," as the case may be, should be added to the reading, and it should always be statedwhether the reading is corrected or uncorrected. When changes of the barometer are reported the course and speed of the ship should also be given. All directions should be true, not magnetic. (3.) Time and Date and Position of the Ship.- These should be for the time and position when the meteorological observations reported were made and not when the message was prepared or des- patched. The time used in all cases should be Greenwich Mean Time. (4.) Subsequent Observations. -W hen a master has re- ported a tropical storm it is desirable, but not obligatory, that other observations be made and transmitted at intervals of three hours, so long as the ship remains under the influence of the storm. Examples. E Examples. Ice. ce. TTT Ice. Large berg sighted in 4605 N., 4410 W., at 0800 GMT. May 15. 1266