Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/402

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TREATIES Mayy,1938 Supplementary extradition convention between the United States of [T. S. No. l America and Denmark. Signed at Washington, May 6, 1936; ratifi- cation advised by the Senate, June 16, 1936; ratified by the President, June 20, 1936; ratified by Denmark, July 6, 1936; ratifications ex- changed at Washington, September 30, 1936; proclaimed, October 7, 1936. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. trSuppmnt ex- WHEREAS a supplementary extradition convention between the "withDerk. United States of America and the Kingdom of Denmark was con- cluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, the original of which supplementary extradition convention, being in the English and Danish languages, is word for word as follows: contractng ow- The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Ice- land, agreeing to add to the list of extraditable crimes mentioned 32Stat. 190. in Article II of the treaty for the extradition of criminals, signed at Washington on January 6, 1902, 34 tat. 2888. and in Article II of the additional convention, signed November 6, 1905, by means of an additional convention, have to that end appointed as their plenipotenti- aries: The President of the United States of America: Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America; and His Majesty the King of Den- mark and Iceland: Mr. Otto Wadsted, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen- ipotentiary at Washington; Who, after having communi- cated to each other their respec- tive full powers, found in due and good form, have agreed upon the following articles: Amerikas Forenede Staters Prsesident og Hans Majestet Kon- gen af Danmark og Island, der er enige om ved en Tilloegskonven- tion at gore en Tilf0jelse til Fortegnelsen over de Forbrydel- ser, for hvilke Udlevering skal tilstaas, og hvilke er anf0rt i Artikel II i Traktaten angaaende Udlevering af Forbrydere, under- tegnet i Washington den 6' Januar 1902 og i Artikel II i Tillsegskon- ventionen, undertegnet den 6' November 1905, bar i dette Oje- med udnsvnt til deres Befuldmieg- tigede: Amerikas Forenede Staters Praesident: Cordell Hull, Amerikas Fore- nede Staters Statssekretwer; og Hans Majestset Kongen af Dan- mark og Island: Sin Overordentlige Gesandt og Befuldmsegtigede Minister i Washington, Hr. Otto Wadsted; Hvilke, efter at have meddelt hinanden deres respektive Fuld- magter, som fandtes i god og beh0rig Form, er kommet overens om folgende Artikler: Plenlpotentiaries. 1308