Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/407

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MEXICO-PROTECTION OF MIGRATORY BIRDS, ETC.-FEBRUARY 7 ,1936 D)-The establishment of a close season for wild ducks from the tenth of March to the first of September. E)-The prohibition of the kill- ing of migratory insectivorous birds, except when they become injurious to agriculture and con- stitute plagues, as well as when they come from reserves or game farms: provided however that such birds may be captured alive and used in conformity with the laws of each contracting country. F)-The prohibition of hunting from aircraft. ARTICLE III The high contracting parties re- spectively agree, in addition, not to permit the transportation over the American-Mexican border of migratory birds, dead or alive, their parts or products, without a permit of authorization pro- vided for that purpose by the government of each country, with the understanding that in the case that the said birds, their parts or products are transported from one country to the other without the stipulated authorization, they will be considered as contraband and treated accordingly. ARTICLE IV. The high contracting parties declare that for the purposes of the present Convention the fol- lowing birds shall be considered migratory: MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS. Familia Anatidae. Familia Gruidae. Familia Rallidae. Familia Charadriidae. Familia Scolopacidae. Familia Recurvirostridae. Familia Phalaropodidae. Familia Columbidae. 3MIGRATORY NON-GAME BIRDS. Familia Cuculidae. Familia Caprimulgidae. D). - La veda para patos del diez de marzo al primero de septiembre. E). -La prohibici6n de matar aves migratorias insectivoras, con excepci6n de los casos en que per- judiquen la agricultura y consti- tuyan plagas, asi como tambien cuando procedan de reservas o criaderos; entendiendose que dichas aves podran capturarse y utilizarse vivas conforme a las leyes respectivas de cada pais contratante. F). -La prohibici6n de cazar a bordo de aeronaves. ARTICULO III Las Altas Partes Contratantes convienen, ademas, en no permitir que por la frontera norteameri- cana-mexicana sean transportadas aves migratorias vivas o muertas y sus productos y despojos, sin que lleven como guia la autoriza- cion que para el efecto expida el Gobierno de cada pals, en la in- teligencia de que en el caso de que sean transportadas dichas aves y sus productos y despojos de un pais al otro sin la expresada au- torizaci6n, se considerarf ese hecho como contrabando para los efectos legales correspondientes. ARTiaULO IV Las Altas Partes Contratantes declaran que para los efectos del presente convenio se consideraran aves migratorias las siguientes: AVES MIGRATORIES DE CAZA. Familia Anatidae. Familial Gruidae. Familia Rallidae. Familia Charadriidae. Familia Scolopacidae. Familia Recurvirostridae. Familia Phalaropodidae. Familia Columbidae. AVES MIGRATORIAS NO DE CAZA. Familia Cuculidae. Familia Caprimulgidae. Protection of wild ducks. Insectivorous birds. Hunting from air- craft. Transportation over border. Permits. Declaration of terms. Migratory game birds. Migratory non- garme birds. 1313