Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/424

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TREATIES PROCES-VERBAL CONSTATANT LE DEPOT DES DIX RATIFICATIONS OU ADHESIONS PREVUES A L'ARTICLE 11 DU PROTOCOLE RELATIF AUX OBLIGATIONS MILITAIRES DANS CERTAINS CAS DE DOUBLE NATIONALITE, SIGNE A LA HAYE, LE 12 AVRIL 1930. Conformement au paragraphe nte, p. 1rba3. ler de l'article 11 du Protocole relatf aux oblgatons m13litaires relatif aux obligations militaires Deposit of instru- ments of accession, etc. dans certains cas de double na- tionalite, sign6 A La Haye, le 12 avril 1930, le soussign6 certifie que les instruments suivants ont ete diament deposes aux archives de la Societe des Nations relativement au Protocole susmentionne: 1) Acte d'adhesion du Br6sil, depose le 19 septembre 1931; 2) Instrument de ratification pour la Grande-Bretagne et l'Irlande du Nord amsi que toutes parties de l'Em- pire britannique non mem- bres separes de la Societe des Nations, depose le 14 janvier 1932; 3) Instrument de ratification des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, de- pos6 le 3 aout 1932; 4) Instrument de ratification de 1'Inde, depose le 28 septem- bre 1932; Sous la reserve suivante: Conformement aux dispo- sitions de l'article 15 de ce Protocole, Sa Majest6 bri- tannique n'assume aucune obligation en ce qui con- cerne les territoires de 1'Inde appartenant a un prince ou chef place sous sa suzerainete ou en ce qui concerne la population des- dits territoires. PROCES-VERBAL REGARDING THE DEPOSIT OF THE TEN RATIFI- CATIONS OR ACCESSIONS RE- FERRED TO IN ARTICLE 11 OF THE PROTOCOL RELATING TO MILITARY OBLIGATIONS IN CERTAIN CASES OF DOUBLE NATIONALITY, SIGNED AT THE HAGUE, APRIL 12TH, 1930. In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 1, of the Protocol relat- ing to Military Obligations in certain cases of double nationality, signed at The Hague on April 12th, 1930, the undersigned hereby cer- tifies that the following instru- ments were deposited with the Secretariat of the League of Na- tions in connection with the above- mentioned Protocol: (1) Instrument of accession of Brazil, deposited on Sep- tember 19th, 1931; (2) Instrument of ratification for Great Britain and North- ern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate Members of the League of Nations, deposited on January 14th, 1932; (3) Instrument of ratification by the United States of Amer- ica, deposited on August 3rd, 1932; (4) Instrument of ratification by India, deposited on Sep- tember 28th, 1932; Subject to the following reservation: In accordance with the provisions of Article 15, His Britannic Majesty does not assume any obligation in respect of the territories in India of any Prince or Chief under His Suzerainty or the population of the said territories. 1330