Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/426

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TREATIES Et aux fins pr6vues au deuxieme paragraphe du meme article, le soussign6 dresse le present proces- verbal. Fait a Geneve, le vingt-quatre fevrier mil neuf cent trente-sept. In order to give effect to the second paragraph of the same Ar- ticle, the undersigned has drawn up the present proces-verbal. Done at Geneva on the twenty- fourth day of February, one thou- sand nine hundred and thirty- seven. Le Secretairegeneral: The Secretary-General: J. AVENOL. Copie certifiee conforme. Pour le Secr6taire g6enral: Certified true copy. For the Secretary-General: L A PODESTA COSTA Consilerjuridique du Secretariat. Legal Adviser of the Secretariat. 1332