Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/451

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CANADA-SOCKEYE SALMON FISHERIES-MAY 26, 1930 The Commissioners appointed by each of the High Contracting Parties shall hold office during the pleasure of the High Contracting Party by which they were appointed. The Commission shall continue in existence so long as this Con- vention shall continue in force, and each High Contracting Party shall have power to fill and shall fill from time to time vacancies which may occur in its representation on the Commission in the same manner as the original appointments are made. Each High Contracting Party shall pay the salaries and expenses of its own Commissioners, and joint expenses incurred by the Commission shall be paid by the two High Contracting Parties in equal moieties. ARTICLE III The Commission shall make a thorough investigation into the natural history of the Fraser River sockeye salmon, into hatchery methods, spawning ground conditions and other related matters. It shall conduct the sockeye salmon fish cultural operations in the waters described in paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 of Article I of this Convention, and to that end it shall have power to improve spawning grounds, construct, and maintain hatcheries, rearing ponds and other such facilities as it may determine to be necessary for the propagation of sockeye salmon in any of the waters covered by this Convention, and to stock any such waters with sockeye salmon by such methods as it may determine to be most advisable. The Com- mission shall also have authority to recommend to the Governments of the High Contracting Parties removing or otherwise overcoming obstructions to the ascent of sockeye salmon, that may now exist or may from time to time occur, in any of the waters covered by this Convention, where investigation may show such removal of or other action to overcome obstructions to be desirable. The Commission shall make an annual report to the two Governments as to the inves- tigations which it has made and other action which it has taken in execution of the provisions of this Article, or of other Articles of this Convention. The cost of all work done pursuant to the provisions of this Article, or of other Articles of this Convention, including removing or other- wise overcoming obstructions that may be approved, shall be borne equally by the two Governments, and the said Governments agree to appropriate annually such money as each may deem desirable for such work in the light of the reports of the Commission. ARTICLE IV The Commission is hereby empowered to limit or prohibit taking sockeye salmon in respect of all or any of the waters described in Article I of this Convention, provided that when any order is adopted by the Commission limiting or prohibiting taking sockeye salmon in any of the territorial waters or on the High Seas described in para- graph numbered 1 of Article I, such order shall extend to all such territorial waters and High Seas, and, similarly, when in any of the waters of the United States of America embraced in paragraph num- bered 2 of Article I, such order shall extend to all such waters of the United States of America, and when in any of the Canadian waters embraced in paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 of Article I, such order shall extend to all such Canadian waters, and provided further, that no order limiting or prohibiting taking sockeye salmon adopted by the Commission shall be construed to suspend or otherwise affect the requirements of the laws of the State of Washington or of the Dominion of Canada as to the procuring of a license to fish in the 1357 Duration, etc., of Commission. Fraser River sock- eye salmon, investiga- tion, etc. Recommendation. Annual report. Division of cost. Annual appropria- tions. Powers of Commis- sion to limit, etc., take in waters desig- nated. License laws of Washington and Can- ada.