Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/503

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BRAZIL-NAVAL MISSION-MAY 27, 1936 United States of America, shall be borne by that Government. If, however, it should be at the initiative of the Brazilian Gov- ernment, the latter Government shall bear all the expenses con- nected with the return to the United States of America, of the Mission, their respective fami- lies, household effects, baggage, and in the case of commissioned officers their automobiles, accord- ing to the stipulations of para- graphs 2 and 5 of this Article; and the Brazilian Government shall, in addition, pay to each of- ficer an amount equal to three months' pay. ARTICLE V 1. The United States of Amer- ica may, should the public inter- est so require, recall at any time a part or all of the members of the Mission, replacing them by other officers, chief petty officers or petty officers first class, to the satisfaction of the Brazilian Gov- ernment, and the corresponding expenses shall be chargeable to the Government of the United States of America. If, at the re- quest of the Brazilian Govern- ment, a member of the Mission should be withdrawn for a reason other than the completion of his services on the Mission, all the expenses of his return shall be chargeable to the United States of America. 2. Any member of the Mission may be relieved at the request of the Government of the United States of America after two years of service, being replaced by members of equal commission (patente) and rank agreeable to the Brazilian Government. por esse Governo. Se, porem, o for por iniciative do Governo Brasileiro, este Governo fara face a todas as despesas con o regresso aos Estados Unidos da America, da Missao, respectivas familias, objectos de casa e bagagem e, no caso dos Officiaes, seus automo- veis, de accSrdo com as estipu- lacoes dos paragraphos 2 e 5 deste artigo, devendo, outrosim, o Go- verno Brasileiro pagar a cada of- ficial uma quantia equivalente a tres mezes de vencimentos. ARTIGO V 1. Os Estados U nidos da mRecll andBrepl ment of members of America poderao, se o interesse the Mission. publico o exigir, retirar em qual- quer tempo, parte ou todos os membros da Missao, substituindo- os por outros officiaes, sub-offi- ciaes ou sargentos, do agrado do Governo Brasileiro, devendo as despesas respectivas correr por conta do Governo dos Estados Unidos da America. Se, a pe- dido do Governo Brasileiro, al- gum membro da Missao for re- tirado por outro motivo que nao o da terminaao dos servigos na Missao, todas as despesas corn o regresso correrao por conta dos Estados Unidos da America. 2. Qualquer membro da Missao poderk ser exonerado a pedido pelo Governo dos Estados Uni- dos da America depois de dois annos de servico, sendo substitu- ido por membros de igual patente e classe da conveniencia do Go- verno Brasileiro. 1411