Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/507

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NICARAGUA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-MARCH 11, 1936 under laws of the Republic of Nicaragua in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE II Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Republic of Nicaragua, enumerated and de- scribed in Schedule II annexed to this Agreement and made a part thereof, shall, on their importation into the United States of America, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth in the said Schedule. The said ar- ticles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in con- nection with importation, in excess of those imposed on the day of the signature of this Agreement or re- quired to be imposed thereafter under the laws of the United States of America in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. As long as the quota provisions of the Act "to include sugar beets and sugar cane as basic agricul- tural commodities under the Agri- cultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", approved by the President of the United States of America on May 9, 1934, are oper- ative, any sugar imported into the United States of America from the Republic of Nicaragua with re- spect to which a drawback of duty is allowed, under the provisions of Section 313 of the Tariff Act of 1930, shall not be charged aga'nst the quota established by the Secre- tary of Agriculture of the United States of America for the Republic of Nicaragua. ARTIOLE III The United States of America and the Republic of Nicaragua agree that the notes included in Schedules I and II are hereby given force and effect as integral parts of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America or the Republic of aragua en vigor el dia en que este convenio sea firmado. ARTICULO II. Los articulos cosechados, pro- Specified imports ducidos o manufacturados en la Port,p.1430. Repfiblica de Nicaragua, enume- rados y descritos en la Lista No. II anexa a este Convenio, y del cual forma parte, seran eximidos al ser importados en los Estados Unidos de America, del pago de derechos ordinarios de Aduana que excedan a los especificados en dicha Lista. etc. a dte Tales articulos estaran asimismo exentos del pago de todo otro derecho, impuesto, contribuci6n, cargo o exaccion establecidos sobre la importaci6n o en relaci6n con ella, que exceda de los previstos, o cuya percepci 6 n fuere exigible por leyes de los Estados Unidos de America en vigor el dia en que este convenio sea firmado. Mientras esten en vigor las dis- posiciones de cuota del Acta "para mcluir remolachas y cafia de azicar como productos basicos agricolas bajo eI Agricultural Ad- justment Act, y para otros fines", aprobado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America el 9 de Mayo de 1934, cualquier azucar, importado a los Estados Unidos de America de la Republica de Nicaragua con respecto al cual un "drawback" de derechos (de adua- na) este permitido, bajo las dis- posiciones de la Secci6n 313 del Tariff Act of 1930, no sera car- gado en la cuota establecida por el Secretario de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos de America para la Repdblica de Nicaragua. AirMTIcLo III. 48 stat. 670. 7U. .C. 608a. 46 Stat. 898. o19. s .. . 1813. Los Estados Unidos de America Notes in schedules considered part of y la Repiiblica de Nicaragua con- iemt. o vienen en que a las notas incluidas Po, PP. 14281 430 . enlasListasIyII, selesdepor este Convenio fuerza y efectos como partes integrantes del mismo. ARTrcuLO IV. Los Articulos cosechados, pro- Internal tax emp ducidos o fabricados en los Esta- ti on dos Unidos de America o en la