Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/512

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES as to insure that the nationals and commerce of the other country will be granted a fair and equi- table share in the allotment of ex- change. With respect to the exchange made available for commercial transactions, it is agreed that the Government of each country shall be guided in the administration of any form of control of foreign exchange by the principle that, as nearly as may be determined, the share of the total available exchange which is allotted to the other country shall not be less than the share employed in a pre- vious representative period prior to the establishment of any ex- change control for the settlement of commercial obligations to the nationals of such other country. Mtiuao considrth The Government of each coun- tion with respect to application of Artile. try shall give sympathetic consid- eration to any representations which the other Government may make in respect of the application of the provisions of this Article, and if, within thirty days after the receipt of such representa- tions, a satisfactory adjustment has not been made or an agree- ment has not been reached with respect to such representations, the Government making them may, within fifteen days after the expiration of the aforesaid period of thirty days, terminate this Ar- ticle or this Agreement in its en- tirety on thirty days' written no- tice. ARTICLE X age etc. grantedany With respect to customs duties other country. or charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with impor- tation or exportation, and with respect to the method of levying such duties or charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation or exportation, and with respect to all laws or regulations affecting the sale or use of imported goods within the country, any advan- tage, favor, privilege or immunity which has been or may hereafter dicho control de manera que ase- gure a los nacionales, y al comer- cio del otro pais, la obtenci6n de una cuota justa y equitativa en la distribuci6n de los cambios. Con respecto al cambio que sea declarado disponible para trans- acciones comerciales, se conviene que el Gobierno de cada pais de- bera guiarse en la administraci6n de cualquier forma de control de cambios extranjeros, por el prin- cipio de que, y tan aproximada- mente como sea posible determi- nar, la porcion del cambio total disponible que sea asignada al otro pais, no debera ser inferior a la porcion correspondiente a un periodo representativo anterior a la epoca del funcionamiento del control de cambio para el arreglo de obligaciones comerciales con- traidas con los nacionales del otro pais. El Gobierno de cada pais pres- tara consideraci6n amistosa a cua- lesquiera representaciones que el otro Gobierno pueda hacer con respecto a la aplicaci6n de las esti- pulaciones de este articulo; y si dentro de treinta dias despues de recibidas tales representaciones no se ha hecho un ajuste satisfac- torio, o no se ha llegado a un arre- glo con respecto a tales repre- sentaciones, el Gobierno que las haga, puede, dentro de quince dias despues de la expiracion del pe- rfodo antedicho de treinta dias, dar por terminado este Articulo o este Convenio en su totalidad treinta dias despues de haberlo notificado por escrito. ARTICULO X. En lo concerniente a derechos aduaneros o gravamenes de cual- quier clase, impuestos sobre o en relaci6n con importaciones o ex- portaciones, y con respecto al metodo de aplicaci6n de tales de- rechos o gravamenes, lo mismo que en lo referente a todos los reglamentos y formalidades rela- cionados con la importaci6n o ex- portaci6n, y con respecto a todas las leyes o reglamentos que afec- ten la venta o uso dentro del pais, de las mercaderias importadas, 1420