Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/564

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES October 29, 1936 December 21, 1936 Parcel post agree- ment with the Ba- hamas. Object. Territory embraced. Post, p. 1482. Transit parcels. Rights guaranteed. Notices. Intermediate Ad- ministration require- ments. Parcel post agreement between the United States of America and the Bahamas. Signed at Nassau, October 29, 1936, at Washington, De- cember 21, 1936; approved by the President, December 29, 1936. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BAHAMAS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF PARCEL POST. The Undersigned provided with full powers by their respective governments, have by mutual consent and subject to ratification by the competent superior authorities, drawn up the following Agreement: ARTICLE I Object of the Agreement. Between the United States of America (including Alaska, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa and Hawaii) on one hand, and the Bahamas on the other hand, there may be exchanged, under the denomination of parcel post, parcels up to the maximum weight and the maximum dimensions indicated in the Regulations of Execution. ARTICLE II TransitParcels. 1. Each Postal Administration guarantees the right of transit through its service, to or from any country with which it has parcel post communication, of parcels originating in or addressed for deliv- ery in the service of the other contracting Administration. 2. Each Postal Administration shall inform the other to which countries parcels may be sent through it as intermediary, and the amount of the charges due to it therefor, as well as other conditions. 3. To be accepted for onward transmission, parcels sent by one of the contracting Administrations through the service of the other Ad- ministration must comply with the conditions prescribed from time to time by the intermediate Administration. ARTICLE III Prepayment of Postage and Fees. Postage and fees. lleton from 1. The Administration of origin is entitled to collectl from the sender of each parcel the postage and the fees for requests for infor- mation as to the disposal of a parcel made after it has been posted, and also, in the case of insured parcels, the insurance fees and the fees for return receipts that may from time to time be prescribed by its regulations. Prepayment. 2. Except in the case of returned or redirected parcels, prepay- ment of the postage and such of the fees mentioned in the preceding section as are applicable, is compulsory. 1472 s