Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/570

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Certificate of mail- ing. Furnished sender on request. Receipt. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES ARTICLE XX Certificate of Mailing. Receipts. The sender will, on request at the time of mailing an ordinary (uninsured) parcel, receive a certificate of mailing from the post office where the parcel is mailed, on a form provided for the pur- pose; and each country may fix a reasonable fee therefor. The sender of an insured parcel receives without charge, at the time of posting, a receipt for his parcel. ARTcIL XXI Return receipts and inquiries. Return Receipts and Inquiries. Advice of delivery, 1. The sender of an insured parcel may obtain an advice of delivery upon payment of such additional charges, if any, as the country of origin of the parcel shall stipulate and under the conditions laid down in the Regulations. Inquiry charge. 2. A fee may be charged, at the option of the country of origin, on a request for information as to the disposal of an ordinary parcel and also for an insured parcel made after it has been posted if the sender has not already paid the special fee to obtain an advice of delivery. Iuit relative to 3. A fee may also be charged, at the option of the country of origin, in connection with any complaint of any irregularity which prima facie was not due to the fault of the Postal Service. ARnTCL XXTT Missent parcels. Missent Parcels. Ordinary parcels. Ordinary parcels, when missent, are reforwarded to their correct destination by the most direct route at the disposal of the refor- warding Administration. They must not be charged with Customs Insured parcels. or other charges by that Administration. Insured parcels, when missent, may not be reforwarded to their destination except as insured mail. If this is impossible, they must be returned to origin. returned. iparc When the reforwarding involves return of the parcel to the office of origin, the retransmitting Administration refunds to that office the credits received and reports the error by a Bulletin of Verification. hReiorwrding to a When the reforwarding involves dispatch of a parcel to a third country and if the amount credited to the retransmitting Adminis- tration is insufficient to cover the expenses of retransmission which it has to defray, the retransmitting Administration allows to the Ad- ministration to which it forwards the parcel the credits due it- it then recovers the amount of the deficiency by claiming it from the office of exchange from which the missent parcel was directly received. The reason for this claim is notified to the latter by means of a Bulletin of Verification. ARTICLE XXIII Reforwarding. Redirection within country. Charges. 1. A parcel may be redirected in consequence of the addressee's change of address in the country of destination, at the request of either the sender or the addressee. The reforwarding of a parcel within one of the contracting coun- tries gives rise to the collection of the supplementary charges pro-