Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/582

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Insurance. Maximum. Limitation. Responsibility. Indemnity. Indirect damages, etc. Return of postage on loss of parcel. Transit originating in a third country destined for either contracting power. Parcels reforwarded to a third country. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES ARTICLE VI. Insurance. Parcels may be insured up to the amount of 500 francs gold or its equivalent in the currency of the country of origin. However, the Chiefs of the Postal Administrations of the two contracting countries may, by mutual consent, increase or decrease this maximum amount of insurance. A parcel cannot give rise to the right to an indemnity higher than the actual value of its contents, but it is permissible to insure it for only part of that value. ARTICLE VII. Responsibility. Indemnity. 1. The Postal Administrations of the two contracting countries will not be responsible for the loss, abstraction or damage of an ordinary parcel. 2. Except in the cases mentioned in the Article following the Administrations are responsible for the loss of insured parcels mailed in one of the two contracting countries for delivery in the other and for the loss, abstraction of or damage to their contents, or a part thereof. The sender, or other rightful claimant, is entitled to compensa- tion corresponding to the actual amount of the loss, abstraction or damage. The amount of indemnity is calculated on the basis of the actual value (current price, or, in the absence of current price, the ordinary estimated value), at the place where and the time when the parcel was accepted for mailing, provided in any case that the indemnity may not be greater than the amount for which the parcel was insured, and on which the insurance fee has been collected or the maximum amount of 500 gold francs. 3. No indemnity is paid for indirect damages or loss of profits resulting from the loss rifling, damage, non-delivery, mis-delivery or delay of an insure parcel dispatched in accordance with the conditions of the present Agreement. 4. In the case where indemnity is payable for the loss of a parcel or for the destruction or abstraction of the whole of the contents thereof the sender is entitled to return of the postal charges, if claimed. However, the insurance fees are not in any case returned. 5. In the absence of special agreement to the contrary between the countries involved, which agreement may be made by correspondence, no indemnity will be paid by either country for the loss of transit insured parcels, that is, parcels originating in a country not partici- pating in this Agreement and destined for one of the two contracting countries, or parcels originating in one of the two contracting coun- tries and destined for a country not participating in this Agreement. 6. When an insured parcel originating in one country and destined to be delivered in the other country is reforwarded from there to a third country or is returned to a third country, at the request of the sender or of the addressee, the party entitled to the indemnity in case of loss, rifling, or damage occurring subsequent to the refor- warding or return of the parcel by the original country of destina- tion, can lay claim, in such a case, only to the indemnity which the country where the loss, rifling or damage occurred consents to pay, or which that country 1i obliged to pay in accordance with the agree-