Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/587

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GIBRALTAR-PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-Dec 18 1936 Jan. 5,1937 ARTICLE XXIII. Re forwarding. Reforwarding. 1. A parcel may be redirected in consequence of the addressee's Redirection. change of address in the country of destination, at the request of either the sender or the addressee. The reforwarding of a parcel within one of the contracting coun- supplemei tries gives rise to the collection of the supplementary charges pro- hrg vided for by the Administration of that country. The same is true, if occasion arises, in regard to the delivery of such parcel to another person at the original place of destination. These charges shall not be cancelled even in case the parcel is returned to origin or refor- warded to another country. 2. If a parcel must be reforwarded to one of the two countries New fees. signatory to the present Agreement, it is liable to new postage charges, and, if occasion arises, new insurance fees, unless such charges and fees have been paid in advance. The new fees are col- lected from the addressee by the Administration effecting the delivery. Insured parcels must be reforwarded as such. 3. At the request of the sender or addressee, parcels may also be Return or reforwarded or returned to another country. Insured parcels may county. o not, however, be reforwarded or returned except as such. The send- ers may mark the parcels: "Do not forward to a third country". In that case, the parcels must not be reforwarded to any other coun- try. In case of loss, rifling, or damage of an insured parcel refor- oflosdenit i warded to another country or returned by that country, the indem- nity is decided upon exclusively in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Section 6. An te, p. 1490 ARTICLE XXIV. Itary refor- nother I case Non-delivery. 1. Undeliverable parcels returned to the sender are liable to new postage charges as well as insurance fees if necessary, and are re- turned as parcels of the same class in which they were received. The charges are collectible from the sender, and are collected by the Administration delivering the parcels to him. 2. At the time of mailing, the sender must state how his parcel is to be disposed of in the event of non-delivery; that is, the sender must mark the parcel and the customs declarations with one of the following notes: "In case of non-delivery, the parcel should be returned immedi- ately"; "In case of non-delivery, the parcel should be considered as aban- doned"; "In case of non-delivery, the parcel should be delivered to _____" . No note other than those provided for above, or note of similar import is permitted, except as provided in Article XXIII, Section 3. 3. Barring contrary instructions, undeliverable parcels are re- turned to origin, without previous notification, 30 days after their arrival at the office of destination. Parcels which the addressee refuses to accept shall be returned immediately. In all cases, the reason for non-delivery must be indicated on the parcel. 4. Parcels liable to deterioration or corruption may be sold im- mediately even en route, on the outward or return voyage, without previous notice and without judicial formality, for the profit of the rightful party. Non-delivery. Charges, etc. Treatment, In case of non-delivery. Undeliverable par- eels, return to place of origin. Parcels liable to de- terioration.