Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/594

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1502 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES If the damage is such that the contents of the parcel may have been abstracted, the office must first officially open the parcel and verify its contents. In either case, the weight of the parcel will be verified before and after repacking, and indicated on the wrapper of the parcel itself. That indication will be followed by the note "Repacked at ...... ", and the signature of the agents who have effected such repacking. ARTICLE 9. Charges. harge 1. For each parcel, ordinary or insured, sent to Gibraltar payment shall be made at the rate of 3 cents per pound, based on the bulk net weight of each dispatch. For each parcel, ordinary or insured, sent to the United States of America, payment shall be made at the rate of 6 cents per pound, based on the bulk net weight of each dispatch. These terminal charges may be reduced or increased on 3 months previous notice given by one country to the other. These reductions or increases shall hold good for at least one year. 2. The amounts to be allowed in respect to parcels sent from one Administration to the other for onward transmission to a possession of either country, or to a third country, shall be fixed by the inter- mediary Administration. 3. Except as provided in this Article, each Administration shall keep the whole of the sums which it collects by virtue of the various Articles of this Agreement. ARTICLE 10. Accounting. Accounting. . At the end of each quarter, each Administration makes up an account on the basis of the parcel bills. 2. These accounts accompanied by the parcel bills, and, if any, by copies of verification notes relating thereto, shall be submitted to the examination of the corresponding Administration in the course of the month following the quarter to which they relate. 3. The recapitulation, transmission, examination and acceptance of these accounts must not be delayed, and the payment of the balance shall take place, at the latest, at the expiration of the following quarter. 4. The balance resulting from the adjustment of the accounts be- tween the two Administrations is paid by a sight draft drawn on New York, or by some other means mutually agreed upon by corre- spondence. The expenses of payment are chargeable to the debtor Administration. ARTICLE 11. Miscellaneous Notifications. Miscellaneous noti- The Administrations shall communicate to each other a summary ficat ons. of the provisions of their laws or regulations applicable to the par- cels exchanged between the two contracting countries, and other items necessary for carrying out the exchange of parcels.