Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/663

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EL SALVADOR-RECIPROCAL TRADE-FEB . 19, 1937 ARTICLE XVI Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to affect the rights and obligations arising out of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights signed at San Salvador on February 22, 1926. ARTICLE XVII The present Agreement shall come into full force on the thirtieth day following proclamation thereof by the President of the United States of America and the President of the Republic of El Salvador, or should the proclamations be issued on different days, on the thirtieth day following the date of the later in time of such proclamations, and shall remain in force for the term of three years thereafter, unless terminated pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Article IX, or Article XII. The Government of each country shall notify the Government of the other country of the date of its proclamation. Unless at least six months before the expiration of the aforesaid term of three years the Government of either country shall have given to the other Government notice of intention to terminate this Agree- ment upon the expiration of the aforesaid term, the Agreement shall remain in force thereafter, subject to termination under the provisions of Article VI, Article IX, or Article XII, until six months from such time as the Government of either country shall have given notice to the other Government. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement and have affixed their seals hereto. Done in quadruplicate: two copies in English and two in Spanish, all four authentic, at the City of San Salvador this nineteenth day of February, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven. For the President of the United States of America: [SEAL] FRANK P CORRIGAN For the President of the Republic of El Salvador: [SEAL] MIGUEL ANGEL ARAUJO SCHEDULE I Salvadoran Tariff Maximum Rates of Duty Item Number Description of Articles in U. 8. Dollars NOTE: The provisions of this Schedule will be interpreted as though they had been included in the current Salvadoran Tariff Law by an amendment to that law. Abbreviations: G. K.= Gross Kilo M Bd. Ft.=1000 Board Feet. Agreement not to affect Treaty of Friendship, etc. 46 Stat. 2817. Effective date. Duration. Ante, pp. 1566 , 18, 1569. Termination. Signatures. Schedule I. 211-1 -03-003 Ex211-1 -04-002 Ex211-4 -03-001 211-4 -03 -004 212-1-07-001 Ex212-3 -01-001 Ex212-5 -01-001 Ex212-5 -02-001 Ham, except canned ham Pork, preserved or prepared in any form, with or without vegetables, in hermetically sealed containers Canned mackerel Canned salmon Wheat, in its natural state: Until and including December 31, 1937 After December 31, 1937 Oatmeal, rolled oats and other oat food preparations Fresh fruits: apples, pears and grapes Dried and evaporated fruits: prunes and raisins 100G.K. 1200 100G. K. 29.29 100 G.K . 5.00 100 G.K. &500 100 G. K. 100 G. K. 100 G. K. 100 G. K. 100 G. K. 5.00 5.20 4.40 2.50 5&00