Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/675

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COSTA RICA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOVEMBER 28, 1936 WHEREAS I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have found as a fact that certain existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of the United States of America and that the purpose declared in the said Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the said Act of June 12, 1934, will be promoted by a foreign trade agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica; WHEREAS reasonable public notice of the intention to negotiate such foreign trade agreement was given and the views presented by persons interested in the negotiation of such agreement were received and considered; WHEREAS, after seeking and obtaining information and advice with respect thereto from the United States Tariff Commission, the De- partments of State, Agriculture, and Commerce, and from other sources, I entered into a foreign Trade Agreement on November 28, 1936, through my duly empowered Plenipotentiary, with the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, through his duly empowered Plenipo- tentiary, which Agreement, including two Schedules annexed thereto, in the English and Spanish languages, is in words and figures as follows: TRADE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA The President of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the Republic of Costa Rica, desiring to strengthen the traditional bonds of friendship be- tween the two countries by main- taining the principle of equality of treatment as the basis of commer- cial relations and by granting mutual and reciprocal advantages for the promotion of trade, have decided to conclude a trade agree- ment and for that purpose have appointed their Plenipotentiaries as follows: The President of the United States of America: Leo R. Sack, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary to Costa Rica. The President of the Republic of Costa Rica: his Secretary of the Interior, Acting Secretary of For- eign Relations, Licentiate Luis Fern/ndez Rodriguez. Who, after having exchanged their full powers, found to be in Promotion of foreign trade. 48 Stat. 943. 19 U.S. C. 1 1351. Notice given. Trade agreement entered into. CONVENIO COMERCIAL ENTRE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y LA REPOBLICA DE COSTA RICA El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America y el Presidente de la Repufblica de Costa Rica, deseosos de estrechar los vinculos de amistad entre ambos paises por el mantenimiento del prmcipio de igualdad de trato como base de relaciones comerciales y por la con- cesi6n de ventajas mutuas y re- ciprocas para la promoci6n del comercio, han decidido concluir un Convenio Comercial y para ese fin han designado sus Plenipoten- ciarios, asi: El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, a su Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Pleni- potenciario en San Jose, Leo R. Sack. El Presidente de la Republica de Costa Rica a su Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Gober- naci6n encargado del de Relaciones Exteriores, Licenciado Luis Fer- nandez Rodriguez; Quienes, despuds de haber can- jeado sus plenos poderes, y de en- Purposes declared. Plenipotentiaries. 1583