Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/683

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COSTA RICA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOVEMBER 28, 1936 ARTICLE XII In the event that a wide varia- tion occurs in the rate of exchange between the currencies of the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica, the Gov- ernment of either country, if it considers the variation so substan- tial as to prejudice the industries or commerce of the country, shall be free to propose negotiations for the modification of this Agree- ment or to terminate this Agree- ment in its entirety on thirty days' written notice. ARTICLE XIII There will not be imposed in the United States of America or in the Republic of Costa Rica, on importations of articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country, greater than nomi- nal penalties because of errors in documentation, made in the coun- try of export, provided it can be established by the importer or other party in interest to the satisfaction of the customs author- ities that the errors were clerical in origin or were made in good faith. The Government of each coun- try will accord sympathetic con- sideration to such representations as the other Government may make with respect to the opera- tion of customs regulations, quan- titative restrictions or the admin- istration thereof, the observance of customs formalities, or the application of sanitary laws and regulations for the protection of human, animal, or plant life; and upon request it will afford ade- quate opportunity for consultation regarding such representations. ARTICLE XIV 1. Except as otherwise provided in the second paragraph of this Article, the provisions of this Agreement relating to the treat- ment to be accorded by the United States of America or the Republic of Costa Rica, respectively, to the commerce of the other country, shall not apply to the Philippine ARTfCULO XII En caso de que varie sensible- mente el tipo de cambio entre las monedas de los Estados Uni- dos de America y la Republica de Costa Rica, cada uno de los Go- biernos, siconsideralavariaci6n tan sustancial como para perjudicar las industrias o el comercio de su pafs, estara en libertad de proponer negociaciones para modificar este Convenio, o para darlo por comple- tamente terminado a los treinta dias de notificaci6n escrita. ARTfCULO XIII No se impondrhn en los Estados Unidos de America ni en la Repu- blica de Costa Rica sobre la impor- taci6n de articulos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en el otro pals, sanciones mayores que nominales por causa de errores en la documentaci6n, hechas en el pals exportador, siempre que pueda establecerse por el impor- tador u otra persona interesada a satisfacci6n de las autoridades de la Aduana, que esos errores fueron de copia o que fueron hechos de buena fe. El Gobierno de cada pafs con- siderara amistosamente las repre- sentaciones que el otro Gobierno pueda hacerle respecto al funciona- miento de las reglamentaciones de Aduana, restricciones cuantita- tivas o su administraci6n, obser- vancia de formalidades aduaneras y aplicaci6n de leyes sanitarias y disposiciones para la protecci6n de la vida humana animal o vegetal; y a solicitud dara amplia opor- tunidad de consulta en relaci6n con tales representaciones. ARTfCULO XIV 1. A excepci6n de lo estipulado en contrario en el parrafo segundo de este articulo, las disposiciones del presente Convenio relativas al tratamiento acordado, respec- tivamente, por los Estados Unidos de America o por la Repiblica de Costa Rica al comercio del otro pals, no se aplicaran a las Islas Modification where rate ofexchange preju- dicial. Documentation er- rors. Mutual considera- tion of representations with respect to cus- toms, etc. Provisions not to apply to Philippine Islands, etc. 1591