Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/685

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COSTA RICA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOVEMBER 28, 1936 Canal Zone to the Philippine Islands irrespective of any change in the political status of the Philip- pine Islands. 6. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, the provisions thereof shall not be construed to apply to police or sanitary regulations; and nothing in this Agreement shall be con- strued to prevent the adoption of measures prohibiting or restrict- ing the exportation of gold or silver, or to prevent the adoption of such measures as the United States of America or the Republic of Costa Rica, respectively, may see fit with respect to the control of the export or sale for export of arms, munitions, or implements of war, and, in exceptional cir- cumstances, of all other military supplies. ARTICLE XV In the event that the United States of America or the Republic of Costa Rica adopts any measure which, even though it does not conflict with the terms of this Agreement, is considered by the Government of the other country to have the effect of nullifying or impairing any object of the Agree- ment, the Government of the country which has adopted any such measure shall consider such representations and proposals as the Government of the other country may make with a view to effecting a mutually satisfactory adjustment of the matter. ARTICLE XVI The present Agreement shall come into force on the thirtieth day following proclamation there- of by the President of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the Republic of Costa Rica, or should the proclamations be issued on different days, on the thirtieth day following the date of the later in time of such proclama- tions, and shall remain in force for the term of three years thereafter, unless terminated pursuant to the prescindencia de cualquier cam- bio en el estado politico de las Islas Filipinas. 6. Salvo expresas disposiciones en contrario de este Convenio, sus estipulaciones no se tendran como aplicables a los reglamentos de policia o sanidad; y nada de este Convenio se considerar& como contrario a la adopci6n de medidas sobre prohibir o restringir la ex- portaci6n de oro o plata o para impedir la adopci6n de las medidas que los Estados Unidos de Ame- rica o la Repiblica de Costa Rica, respectivamente hallen oportunas para controlar la exportaci6n o la venta para exportaci6n de armas, municiones o implementos de guerra, y, en circunstancias ex- cepcionales, de todo otro material de guerra. ARTfCULO XV En caso de que los Estados Unidos de America o la Republica de Costa Rica adopten cualquier medida que, aunque sin contra- decir los terminos de este Con- venio, se considere por el Gobierno del otro pais como nulificando o perjudicando cualquiera do los objetos del Convenio, el Gobierno del pais que la haya adoptado considerara las representaciones y propuestas que el Gobierno del otro pals pueda hacer con la mira de efectuar un arreglo mutua- mente satisfactorio del asunto. ARTfCULO XVI El presente Convenio entrarh en vigor a los treinta dias de su promulgaci6n por los Presidentes de los Estados Unidos de America y de la Republica de Costa Rica, o, si las promulgaciones se hicieren, en dias diferentes, a los treinta dias de la fecha de la ultima promulgaci6n; y estara vigente durante el termino de tres aflos, a menos que antes se hubiere terminado en virtud de las esti- pulaciones de los articulos VI, 125151° - - 3 7 -PT I---43 Not applicable to police or sanitary reg- ulations. Adoption of meas- ures restricting, etc., exportation of gold or silver. Export or sale for export of arms, muni- tions, etc. Adoption of meas- ures impairing Agree- ment; adjustment. Effective date and duration. 1593